  • 學位論文


Self-Narrative As an Athlete Turning to Basketball Coach from High School to College

指導教授 : 石明宗


籃球是極具團隊合作精神的一項運動,其中球員之間的互動所形塑出的團隊風格,加上教練訓練的專業、角色的扮演與理念,二項因素讓球隊的經營更加完備。不同時期與階段的教練,都有一套屬於自己的教練哲學,然而籃球教練哲學存在著籃球技術的專業程度、領導球隊方向的正當性、啟發球員的教育性、為完成目標所需的角色扮演、教練個人的理想目標設定等,看似簡單的職務卻含有不簡單的意義。 本論文利用敘說探究的方式,從研究者球員時期開始回溯,加上擔任過不同階段的籃球教練體驗,從親身經歷的故事中,來描述時空的轉換與制度的變化,籃球教練所帶給球員不同的價值觀與其重要性,並試圖去描繪籃球教練哲學的輪廓。本研究利用個人親身的經歷,來表現出目前基層籃球教練的處境與重要性,在不同的階段有著不同的信念與方向來引導球員,球員透過教練本身的經歷與理念,去完成屬於自己籃球或人生的夢想,在不同的階段得到不同的人生體驗,不只是在籃球運動本身,而是從身體活動中找到自己存在的價值與希望,進而實踐在球場與人生的道路上,達到教化的功效。在學校內代表隊的價值不就是如此,除了奪牌的肯定以外,去強化運動本身所帶來意義與信念,讓打球與讀書不再衝突,進而重建職業運動員的價值觀,才能打開台灣職業運動的市場。 籃球存在著令人如同上癮般著迷的魅力,在小小籃球場裡有大大的世界,等著球員去親身體驗關於籃球的故事,從搭上籃球列車開始,到現在成為駕駛列車的司機,帶領著列車上的球員,前進到他們想要去的地方,這才發現籃球教練的重要性。


Needless to say, basketball extreme call for cooperation. The operation of a basketball team will not complete without ideal interaction of all the team members and a professional coach. From high school to college, professional to amateur, every coach has his own attitude and it also varies with the nature of his team. A basketball coach needs specialized acknowledgement, great vision for the future of the team, inspiration for the members, strong self –identity and huge ambition. Thus a basketball coach is not merely a position but a role has his unique meaning and has huge influence on his student. First of all, through self-narrative this essay went back and started at my athlete period. Then I compared my experience as the coach of basketball team for different stages/age. I reason that a coach should have different belief when who he leads were no longer the same. It doesn’t make any sense to persist certain mode of training and to expect it fits all. All I enumerate is to describe how to assume the post of a basketball coach and how important his task is. Besides, I also tried to tell the plight of current basic coaches. Based on last paragraph, I am going to convince you that basketball would mean much more than its self as a sport event. It could bring you distinct life experience and could help one to establish his confidence. It would even be possibility to find one’s own worth and hope of life. If an athlete could achieve his goal with the guidance of an excellent coach, what he received is not only award or prize, but also a complete mode which did ever lead him to success. Therefore, a coach might help one not only in the court but also in one’s life. I consider that might just be the true value of setting up all those various sport teams in school because I don’t think sport is in absolute conflict with academic performance. In addition, if athletes might have good consciousness of their position, they might also reestablish their value about sport. That would encourage more people devote themselves to professional sports and would powerfully develop the market in Taiwan.


