  • 學位論文

從新聞倫理分析少年非行行為新聞 -「中國時報」和「蘋果日報」分析比較

Perspectives on Media Ethical about Juvenile delinquencies News - A Cross-Comparison Between China Times and Apply Daily

指導教授 : 王錦雀


本研究旨在探討報紙如何呈現青少年非行行為案件,並以新聞倫理檢視其呈現之意涵如何。共蒐集民國100年1月1日至100年12月30日的《中國時報》與《蘋果日報》少年非行行為新聞案例共353則。本研究採內容分析法及文本詮釋法。 本研究發現,二大報在新聞報導其呈現方式之最大不同乃在頭條及要聞版面設計上。《蘋果日報》頭條及要聞版面多以大標題、連環模擬圖、資訊圖表構成。文字字數上當以《中國時報》最多,而《蘋果日報》文字簡短,所以《蘋果日報》必須輔以大量圖片。而標題設計上《蘋果日報》簡短但聳動,標題面積字體以《蘋果日報》較大。 新聞選取方式之差異性不大。在則數方面,《中國時報》與《蘋果日報》報導則數比例為1: 4,顯見《蘋果日報》較注重社會新聞。二大報報導均注重暴力犯罪,極重視警方知消息來源,但並不注重加害人與被害人之年齡、性別與教育程度。對案件描述多描寫事情經過。 而在新聞倫理上,呈現方式之不同與新聞選取方式之差異在新聞倫理所代表之意涵上,有下列數點研究發現: 一、二大報對少年非行行為新聞只呈現問題表象,缺乏新聞深層意涵之探討。 二、報紙媒體報導少年非行行為類型與真實情形有顯著差異,報紙媒體報導少年 非行行為類型偏重於暴力行為,顯示新聞媒體對少年非行行為報導有扭曲之嫌。 三、過於單一之消息來源,不論《蘋果日報》與《中國時報》對於非行少年的消息來源多是警察的敘述為主。 四、《蘋果日報》圖像過於強調感官刺激,有刻意醜化、誇張非行少年形象,也有刻意消費兒少身體之嫌,甚而侵害兒少隱私權。圖表之運用,亦缺乏相關評論或解釋。僅羅列出事情前後之經過或是相關案例,而無任何教育或警戒 之功能,且相關圖表有時亦無法發揮更了解新聞事實之功能。 五、二大報報導非行少年新聞,皆有報導偏差、負面刻板印象之爭議。且評論缺乏客觀、多元與深入。 六、在隱私權方面,《中國時報》比《蘋果日報》做得較徹底。《蘋果日報》對非行少年隱私權保護較不周到。 七、非行少年新聞報導,內容往往偏重於最顯著、不尋常部份,缺乏相關案件之 後續報導,對事件經過、犯罪手法描寫詳細,重視新聞張力、刺激性,以滿足讀者尋求八卦、窺視、感官的刺激,非行少年新聞報導有娛樂化之趨勢。 八、標題方面,《蘋果日報》標題過於聳動與粗俗但簡明,與《蘋果日報》比較而言,《中國時報》標題過於冗長,尤其是副標題。


This research focuses on how newspaper articles present juvenile delinquencies. Using media ethics, this research will present the inferences behind the articles. As part of this research, there are a total of 353 juvenile delinquency articles collected; with the date ranging from January 1st, 2011 to December 30th, 2011. Apple Daily and China Times are the two news paper from which the articles were collected from. According to the findings of this research, the main difference between these two news report are the headlines and page format design. Apple Daily's head lines uses bold headings, chain simulation figures, and statistical charts. China Times has a higher word count while Apple Daily uses more condense language. Because of this, Apple Daily needs more pictures for readers to visualize the information. The headlines in Apple Daily are shorter yet sensational; the font size is also larger. There were not much differences in news selection. Concerning the number of articles, the ratio between China Times and Apple Daily is 1:4. It is obvious that Apple Daily focuses more on news concerning people and community. Both news papers are similar when it comes to reporting violent crimes. They focus on the information given by the police; but not as much the age and gender of the individuals involved. The articles mainly report the happening of the crime. Using media ethics, the similarities and differences in selections and presentations of both news papers are listed below. 1. Both newspapers mainly presents the problem and issue but lacks in depth evaluations and discussions. 2. The types of juvenile delinquencies reported are different than the factual situation. Most of the incidents reported are violent crimes; which suggest that the media have twisted the reporting of juvenile delinquencies. 3. There is only one source of information. Both China Times and Apple Daily uses mostly information that is given by the police officials. 4. Apple Daily has a tendency to use pictures that stimulates the reader and purposefully exaggerate the misbehavior of minors. There are speculations of exchanging money for pictures of minors to the extent of endangering the individual right to privacy. There is a lack of correspondence between the visuals and text explanations. The articles only list the happenings of the event but leave out any education or warnings for the public. Frequently, the visual does not assists or enhance the readers knowledge and understanding of the event. 5. Both newspapers seems to be prejudice on their juvenile delinquencies reports. They leave a negative impression and lacks a more objective view. 6. Regarding the individual's right to privacy, China Times is more considerate compared to Apple Daily. Apple Daily is not as thoughtful when concerning juvenile right to privacy. 7. The focus on juvenile delinquency reports tends to be more on the unusual incidences. It lacks related reports and follow-up results. As for the chronological happenings of the events, the news exaggerates the sensation, gossip, and excitements of the event; to the extents that juvenile delinquencies has gradually became a entertainment. 8. As for the titles, Apple Daily has a more simple and sensational tile compared to China times which is longer and more complex especially the subtitle.


聞不能沒有你>新聞稿 。2011年8月11日,取自
