  • 學位論文

透視性病態.創傷型經驗 -張簡禾鈺創作論述

See-through morbidity.Traumatized experience The Creative Essay of Chang Chien Ho-Yu

指導教授 : 莊連東


本文整體架構由環境與個人之關係性為旁引,創傷經驗為開端,觀察自身的 心理層層變化為主軸,而主體發產出一脈的系列創作為結論,中間經由步步自述 性的體悟,與和周遭社會之圍限來引導整篇文章之框架與築基,構成連續性的創 作發展和己身之精神變異紀錄與發聲,從而找到自己對於現在時空下的觀察方式 和未來方向。 人生之路途究竟該怎麼走?人生之價值究竟位於何處?人生的阻礙又該怎 麼排除?而人對於外界和自己又該以什麼態度去看待?每個生活在這世界上的 人都會有這些問題,無論其職業為何,年齡多少,皆會面臨到種種關鍵時期的跨 越,於此,創作論文便是自己之紀錄、問答與指引,尋尋覓覓與重複推演之間, 即是在剖析自我,解除疑惑;從檢視自己昏暗不明的狀態、環境給予的限制、自 己之壓抑、由內發出破碎之傷口,到最後的建構自我,暗示周遭與人之矛盾關聯 性;並且於之發現到繁華之下的虛無、不穩定性和人生之本質為悲劇的展演,從 而追尋出一己的觀察面向與朝社會對話之契機。 建構自己之主體性之後,探索到現代人於此環境之心理狀況,發展出「透視 性的病態」概念去對虛假之現象批判或描述,層層解剖個體與外界產生互動之後 的精神狀況,且由之組構創作思維,進而闡釋作者省察自身與環境、環境與大眾 彼此抑制下陸續牽引出的精神創傷和心理效應;進而將其演繹至作者之作品創作, 以「透視性的病態」創作概念為圭臬,「重構與破壞」為創作模式,堆疊出如圖 像穿透、符號並置與消融擠身主觀性等方法,組架一系列的作品與論述角度,替 創作者自身說故事和多面向地認識世界。


The overall research architecture of this study used the relationships between environments and the individual as the reference and theme and traumatic experiences as the research source to observe changes in the psychological levels of the researcher as a research core. I develop a series of creations as the conclusion and guide and construct the framework and foundation of this study through step-by-step self-descriptive realization and the confines regarding surrounding society. These methods compose continuous creative development and the records and statements of my psychiatric changes, which allow me to identify observation methods for my present spatio-temporal situation and directions for the future. How should we live our lives? What are our life values? How can we overcome life’s challenges? What attitudes should we apply in viewing the world and ourselves?People living in today’s world face these questions. Regardless of their occupation or age, people experience the ranscendence of various key periods. Therefore, writing is a personal record and documentation of questions and answers, and guidelines.Through searching and repeated inferences, we can analyze ourselves and resolve our questions. Additionally, we can examine our dark and unclear conditions, the limitations of environments, self-oppression, and internal wounds, to finally construct ourselves. This demonstrates the contradictory correlation between environments and individuals. I further discovered that performance of the emptiness and instability underlying prosperity and the tragic essence of life facilitated an opportunity for dialogue between personal observation aspect and society. After establishing my personal subjectivity, I explored the mental conditions modern people have toward the environment and developed the concept of“see-through morbidity” to assess and describe fake phenomena. By analyzing psychiatric or mental conditions that manifested after interactions between individuals and external environments, I constructed creative thinking and interpreted the psychiatric traumas and mental effects resulting from mutual oppressions of self-environments and environments-the public I observed, subsequently developing and interpreting these ideas into my creations. I followed the creative concept of “see-through morbidity” as my standard and used “reconstruction and deconstruction”as a creative model to propose and develop methods, such as image penetration, symbol concatenation, and self-subjective melting. For this study, I employed a series of works and discourse perspectives to present my stories as the creator and understand the world through multiple dimensions.


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