  • 學位論文


Life meaning and transformative learning in the families with type 1 diabetes children

指導教授 : 黃明月 電子全文


本研究之目的在分析第 1型糖尿病患家人,在照護與陪伴患病子女過程中,面對疾病衝擊、生命難關的人生態度與生命意義觀點,進而探究其生命轉捩點與轉化學習歷程的影響因素。研究結果可供醫療照護團隊改善臨床服務之參考。 本研究採取立意抽樣,以在北部某醫學中心小兒內分泌科就診的第 1型糖尿病患家人五位為研究對象。以質性取向之深度訪談法,分析病患家人生命意義觀點的轉化學習歷程。 依據研究分析與討論以及本研究之研究目的,從促發第 1型糖尿病患家人生命意義觀點轉化的重要因子,以及生命意義觀點轉化學習的歷程與行動實踐中,歸納出五點研究發現: 一、第 1型糖尿病患家人原有的生命意義觀點深受原生家庭所影響。 二、促發五位第 1型糖尿病患家人生命意義觀點轉化的重要因子,並非是單一因子,而是多元的因素而促成其轉化學習的發生。主要促發轉化學習的重要因子包括: (一)愛的力量創造了無限的可能,是病患家人生存理由的重要力量。 (二)第 1型糖尿病患是支持病患家人,生命意義觀點轉化的最大力量與生存理由。 (三)互敬互諒、同心協力的夫妻,是促進病患家人生存意義的來源,以及生命意義觀點轉化行動實踐的基礎與動能。 (四)宗教是促進病患家人生存意義的理由與力量來源。 (五)良好的疾病認知與自我健康管理,是病患家人主要的生活目標,也是他們生命意義觀點轉化的重要因子。 (六)生命中貴人的現身與援助,是帶動病患家人受苦經驗轉化的重要因子。 三、參與病友支持團體是病患家人,生命意義觀點轉化歷程中的有效作法。 四、當病患家人生命意義觀點轉化學習發生後,其行動實踐係扮演散播愛的助人種子—志工使者的最佳代言人。 五、轉化歷程沒有特定的階段及模式。 本研究根據上述研究發現,分別對第 1型糖尿病患家人、社會工作實務界、小兒內分泌醫療團隊、學校及成人教育界、以及後續研究提出建議事項。


The aim of this study wase two-fold: (1) to understand the perception of life meaning and the mechanism of transformation of attitude toward life in the care-givers who faced the difficulty to take good care of their children with type 1 diabetes; (2) to explore the turning point of the subjects in the transformation of learning process and factors which induce the righteous transformation. Research results may serve as a reference for the health care team to improve the clinical service. In-depth interview was the method used in this study, By purposive sampling, five care-givers who were mothers or fathers of children with type 1 diabetes attending the pediatric endocrine clinic of a medical center in Northern Taiwan were interviewed in this study. The findings of this study were: 1.The original meaning of life of the parents is influenced by their original families. 2.The factors which promote transformation of meaning of life are multiple: (1)Love creates unlimited possibilities and is the main reason for the parents to live. (2)The patients are the strongest power for parents to transform in their preceptions and attributes and the major reasons to live for. (3)Mutual respect, understanding, and support between a couple is the power source of life and the power which promotes transformation of the meaning of life. (4)Religion promotes transformation of meaning of life in the families of the patients. (5)Appropriate insight of disease and self-health management are the goal of families of patients and factors promoting transformation of their meaning of life. (6)Assistance from key persons is a factor to promote transformation of suffering experience of the families of the patients. 3.Participation in patients support groups is an effective practice to promote transformation of attitude toward life. 4.After transformation of view of life, the families of the patients with type 1 diabetes start to help other people with volunteer activities. They became the best advocators of volunteering. 5.The processes of transformation are various. We have also provided suggestions to families of patients with type 1 diabetes, social workers, pediatric diabetes care team, school and adult educators based on the findings.




