  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Contetxual Meaning of “The rites do not go down to the common people, the penalties do not go up to great officers” in Texts from Warring States to Mid-Western Han

指導教授 : 閻鴻中 石蘭梅


《禮記‧曲禮上》︰「禮不下庶人,刑不上大夫。」的近代研究成果眾多,但是相關討論往往莫衷一是,部分研究更常孤立地引用這句話,不考慮作者與整篇文字的主體和脈絡。本文將下列材料視為引用與詮釋者:郭店楚簡〈尊德義〉、《新書‧階級》、〈報任少卿書〉、《禮記‧曲禮上》,考察「禮不下庶人,刑不上大夫」在不同脈絡中的文獻意義和概念變遷。 論文分五章,第一章回顧學界研究,整理出以傳統文獻為論據的法制史相關研究,以及將出土文獻納入議題的近期研究,作為本論文對話對象的基礎。第二章認為〈尊德義〉的引用與詮釋係轉化封建傳統,寄寓道德內涵於維護尊卑貴賤上下的政治概念當中。第三章討論戰國時期荀子思想與〈尊德義〉的相關性,以及法家思想和秦漢肉刑減免與前述思想的差異。第四章討論漢代賈誼與司馬遷引用與詮釋的脈絡,賈誼提倡以廉恥禮義作為君臣互動的行為準則與理想君臣關係,司馬遷將「刑不上大夫」理解為理解為厲士節,也重視這句話的道德意涵。第五章總結「禮不下庶人,刑不上大夫」在文句定型以前具有不同層次的概念,尤其是思想層次的道德性詮釋。


The researchesof “li bu xia shu ren, xing bu shang da fu (the rites do not go down to the common people, the penalties do not go up to great officers)”(“Qu-li I”, Li-ji)arenumerous.However,the researchers, studying this topic, are almost unable to agree or decide which conclusionis right. Several researchers ignore the context of these records and their authors, and some of them discuss and interpretinisolation. Therefore, the topical subject of this thesis is analyzing the contextual meaning of texts in different contexts, and regardingguodian manuscripts “Zundeyi,” “jie-ji,” “bao ren shao qing shu,”and “Qu-li I”as quoters and interpreters. Chapter 1summarizes researchesof legal history using traditional documents and recent discussions taking unearthed literatures into consideration. Chapter 2 indicates that “Zundeyi” transformed traditional feudal cultureand expounded political concept morally. Chapter 3 describes the relationsbetween Xun-zi thought and “Zundeyi,”and furthermore, arguesthe specific characteristics of the legalist thoughtin the warring states periodand the mitigation of corporal punishment in the period ofQin and Han dynasty. Chapter 4 discusses the interpretations of Jia-yi and Si-ma-qian.They paid much attention to morality. Chapter 5 as conclusion summarizes that there were numerous meaningsof “li bu xia shu ren, xing bu shang da fu,”especially in intellectual moral interpretation,from warring states to mid-western Han




Jui, C. P. (2015). 漢初儒法合流思想的根源──先秦天命意識的發展與轉折 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2015.00011
