  • 學位論文


A Study of the development of Extension Scouting in Taiwan

指導教授 : 呂建政


本研究旨在探討我國身心障礙者參與童軍活動之情形,研究目的有三,分別為(1)探討我國自強童軍活動之歷史發展,(2)瞭解我國現階段自強童軍活動推展之問題與(3)提供政府機關及童軍總會未來推動自強童軍活動之建議。 研究者以文獻分析法、問卷調查法及訪談法進行研究。研究者首先蒐集文獻,藉以瞭解我國自強童軍活動之歷史發展,並以自編之「特殊學校辦理童軍活動現況調查」為研究工具,針對全國27所公私立特教學校實施調查,其中有24所特教學校老師填答本問卷。研究者另自編「身心障礙學生參與童軍活動調查問卷」為研究工具,針對全國各級學校童軍團及社區團進行抽樣調查,計有218位童軍團長填答本問卷。本研究發現約有三成五的一般童軍團有身心障礙學生參加,並且以學習障礙、情緒行為障礙、智能障礙與自閉症為最多。 研究者另為補充問卷調查之不足,邀請曾有領導身心障礙學生參與活動經驗之國小、國中、高中、特殊學校童軍團各1位團長受訪,並訪談藍星童軍團與喜憨兒基金會童軍團團長,藉以深入瞭解身心障礙學生參與童軍團之現況、困難或相關需求等。 綜合文獻分析、問卷調查與訪談之研究發現,研究者整理我國自強童軍活動發展大事年表,並發現童軍活動提供身心障礙者更寬廣的生命舞台,建議政府機關及童軍組織應加以重視。 研究者提出三點結論,分別為(1)我國自強童軍活動發展可分為三階段,現階段發展稍有停滯,(2)童軍服務員帶領特教學生參與童軍活動,應具備特殊教育及童軍活動知能,(3)辦理自強童軍活動應考量其特殊需求,而有彈性作法。研究者另針對政府機關、童軍組織及後續研究提出若干建議。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the development of Extension Scouting in Taiwan, and the objectives of this research are to explore the historical development and to understand the current situation of the Extension Scouting in Taiwan. To begin the study, the researcher reviewed concerned Sccouting literature in order to outline the history development of Extension Scouting in Taiwan. The researcher also designed two questionaries to investigate the current situation of Extension scouting both in special schools and the ordinary scout units. The questionary of “Extension Scouting in Special Schools” were sent out to 27 public and private special schools in Taiwan and 24 of them were returned to the reseracher. Another questionary titled as “The participation of students with disabilities in ordinary scout unit” were sent out to scout units in schools and community-based units. There were 218 replied questionaries. The researcher found out that there are 35% of ordinary scout units accepting scouts with disabilities. These souts are mostly with learning disability, emotional disturbance, intellectual disablitiy, and Autism. The researcher also made interviews with four scout leaders who had the experiences in leading students with disabilities in his/her troops. The leaders are one from each primary school, junior high school, senior high school and aslo special school. The researcher also interviewed two scout leaders from different community-based units which accepting young people with disablities, the Blue Star scout group in Taipei and also the Chirdren Are Us Foundation Scout troop in Kaohsiung. The researcher found out that Extension Scouting provides scouts with disablities a broader stage for their life and recommended the Government and Scout Orgnaization to put more emphasis on it. Then, the researcher concluded that the current development of Extension Scouting in Taiwan is in a rather slow position, and scout leader should have knowledge and skill both in Scouting and Special Education when carries out the Extension Scouitng program, and to have more flexiablity in mind when implementing scouting program for scouts with disabilities. Lastly, the researcher made serveral suggetions to the Government and Scout Orgnzaiton on how to promote Extension Scouting.


Baden-Powell (1920). Aids to scoutmastership. London: Herbert Jenkins Ltd. 1961 Print
Bernard, D., & Collier, J. (2000). Renewed Approach to Program-User’s Guide. Switzerland: European Scout Office


