  • 學位論文


Effects of smoking cessation interventions for junior high school students in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 胡益進


本研究為國中學生戒菸介入計畫,戒菸衛生教育介入課程,包括以健康信念模式設計的教育介入課程、電話衛教諮商及戒菸教育手冊,以新北市國中學生為研究對象,設計介入策略,來探討教育介入效果。研究採準實驗設計之「實驗組與對照組前後測設計」,以新北市99學年度國中七至九年級吸菸學生為母群體,立意取樣的方式選取新北市99學年度二所國中七至九年級學生為研究樣本,完成本研究之有效樣本,實驗組與對照組各為34人。實驗組接受戒菸計畫追蹤介入,而對照組接受衛教手冊介入。實驗組及對照組研究對象在前測、後測及後後測時均進行研究問卷及呼氣一氧化碳濃度測量,研究結果以卡方檢定、t檢定及單因子共變數分析等方式進行統計。本研究的重要結果如下: 一、實驗組與對照組研究對象背景資料之間無顯著差異,可進行戒菸教育介入計畫。 二、戒菸教育介入後,實驗組研究對象在菸害認知、自覺菸害罹患性、 自覺菸害嚴重性、自覺戒菸利益性、戒菸自我效能、尼古丁成癮 程度、最近一個月吸菸天數、最近一個月平均吸菸量等效標變項 上都優於對照組,呈現立即效果。 三、經戒菸教育介入2個月後,實驗組研究對象在自覺菸害罹患性、 自覺菸害嚴重性、自覺戒菸利益性、戒菸自我效能、戒菸行動線 索、尼古丁成癮程度及最近一個月吸菸量等效標變項上,都優於 對照組,呈現延宕效果。 四、本戒菸教育介入過程評價,實驗組研究對象在整體教學活動、教 學單元、自評學習感想及對教師評價方面,均有極高的滿意度。


This study implemented health education intervention with integrated stop-smoking campaign based on the health belief model, telephone counseling, and manuals designed to assist individuals to quit smoking. The intervention strategies were adopted to investigate educational effects. We employed a quasi-experimental, two-group pretest-posttest design. The participants were seventh to ninth grade smokers in New Taipei City. Purposive sampling was used to select 34 students for the experimental and control groups, respectively. The experimental group received smoking cessation intervention while the control group was provided health education manuals. In pretest, posttest, and post-posttest, the participants in both groups were asked to fill out questionnaires, at which time their breath CO concentration was also measured. Chi square, t-test, and one-way ANCOVA were used to analyze the results. The results are as follows: 1. The demographic data of participants in both groups is homogeneous; therefore, smoking cessation intervention program can be implemented. 2. After the smoking cessation intervention, the participants in the experimental group showed greater improvement than those in the control group regarding awareness related to the hazards of tobacco, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, smoking cessation self-efficacy, nicotine dependence, number of days smoking in the past months, and average smoking in the past month. In addition, the effects appeared to have been immediate. 3. After two months of intervention, the participants in the experimental group demonstrated greater improvement than those in the control group for all measured indicators. In contrast, the effects of intervention in the experimental group were delayed. 4. The participants in the experimental group demonstrated stronger satisfaction toward the overall teaching activities, teaching units, self-assessed learning review, and teacher evaluation.


