  • 學位論文


Research of Emotional Expressiveness in Animation through Character Comparison and Creation

指導教授 : 周賢彬


角色動畫,最早主要著重於說故事與傳統藝術的結合,從舊石器時代到古埃及都有許多的圖像來記錄它們的生活事蹟;在這樣形式持續不變的發展,至今電腦科技的發達,表現的媒材慢慢由手繪轉變成電腦處理。從1919年Pat Sullivan工作室創造出逗趣十足的《菲力貓》,到2011年迪士尼推出能歌善舞且活潑可人的《長髮公主》,動畫影片中創造出不同角色的個人特質,總能深深吸引觀眾的目光。無論是在肢體表演或是臉部情感的傳達,都令觀眾在欣賞影片時如同翱翔其中並擁有身歷其境之奇幻感受。 在文化的差異下,東方與西方人類的思想以及感情特徵,在個人生活及社會趨向有許多的不同,並影響了角色在表演上的差異。本研究主要先歸納出東西方在思想及情感上的不同,以及其文化運用在動畫中表演的差異,最後結合3D電腦動畫來製作東西方臉部表情不同的變化。 本研究針對東西方動畫角色表情進行探究與製作。研究主要分為四個部分:(1)透過文獻歸納探討--東西方人文差異、臉部動畫製作技術結構分析、動畫表演等相關理論;(2)研究東方動畫角色以《花木蘭》、《功夫熊貓》為例與西方動畫角色以《魔髮奇緣》、《馬達加斯加》為例在表情上的差異;(3)運用3D軟體MAYA,製作角色控制;(4)製作東西方臉部與肢體表演差異性的角色動畫,以驗證其實用性。本研究希冀能透過東西方在動畫角色臉部與肢體的差異探討,結合使用角色綁定系統之業界經驗,以作為日後相關產業、學界的參考依據。


動畫角色 文化 表情 情緒


From the Stone Age to Ancient Egypt, many have used drawings to capture the essence of their lives. Likewise, character animation has always focused on the marriage of traditional artistry and storytelling. This system of artistic expression has evolved throughout human history, transitioning over time from hand drawings to digital processing. From the hyper and energetic Felix the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in 1919, to the entertaining and colourful characters of Disney’s 2011 animated film Tangled, these animations create distinct personalities and are able to command an audience's attention and emotions. Whether through their physical performances or facial expressions, they allow audiences to relate to the characters and immerse themselves in the story. The West and the East tend to have their own characteristic modes of thought and emotional reaction to personal life and social trends, driven by the influence of their respective cultures. Cultural differences have a great impact on an animated character's physical performance. My research focuses on categorizing how these variations in thought, emotion and culture between the East and the West impact the animation of facial expression and physical performances. The study is divided into four parts: (1) Exploring the differences between Eastern and Western cultures in facial animation techniques and their structures, physical performances, and other attributes; (2) Using the central Oriental characters from the animated films "Mulan" and "Kung Fu Panda" and the central Western characters in "Tangled" and "Madagascar" to compare the differences in characters’ facial expressions; (3) Utilizing the 3D animation software package MAYA for character creation and control; (4) Creating character animations based on observed differences in Eastern and Western facial expression and their physical performances, to verify their applicability. I hope my study of facial and physical expression in the character animation styles of the East and the West can be combined with a system of character development, and find use as a reference for both the animation industry and academia.


Character Animation Culture Expression Emotion


4.Thomas F. and O. Johnston(1984)。Disney Animation:The Illusion of Life。New York:Abbeville
