  • 學位論文


The Study about Implementation of One-Guideline-One-Version Textbook Policy at Junior High School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 許添明


2006年7月台北市出現要求推動國中教科書一綱一本政策的訴求,2008年5月台北市聯合台北縣、基隆市正式實施北北基國中教科書一綱一本政策。在兩年的時間內,台北市政府不但抵禦教育部的干擾,並完成教科書政策的改革,研究者很好奇台北市如何說服教育部並完成這個改革,以此為動機,進行台北市推動一綱一本政策之研究。研究中,研究者提出兩個問題:台北市政府推行一綱一本政策的過程為何、以及讓台北市國中一綱一本政策能夠實施的因素為何。研究採個案研究法,以「台北市國中教科書一綱一本政策」為個案,個案分析單位是「台北市國中教科書一綱一本政策形成的階段」,資料蒐集以文件資料和訪談資料為主。   在分析資料後,研究者有以下二個結論: 一、台北市推動一綱一本政策的過程中,面臨最大的問題是教育部的阻礙,教育部以違法為由,要求台北市停辦一綱一本政策。面對教育部的反對,台北市聲請大法官釋憲,暫時停止教育部的介入,並透過持續溝通的方式,讓教育部做出妥協,最後使政策成功推動。 二、台北市之所以能成功推動一綱一本政策,原因包括市長堅持、民意基礎、策略成功、和中央有效溝通。   根據發現,研究者提出三個建議: 一、立法機關應使教育法令能更具體地釐清中央和地方在教育政策上的權限。 二、地方和中央維持和諧的府際關係有利於政策推動。 三、地方政府間可透過彼此結盟共同推動政策。


This study is about one-guideline-one-version textbook policy at junior high school in Taipei City. The motive of this study is researcher has a question: How could Taipei City Government implement one-guideline-one-version textbook policy in a difficult situation. When Taipei City Government planned to choose one-guideline-one-version textbook policy in place of one-guideline-multiple-versions textbook policy, the Ministry of Education jumped out and ordered Taipei City to stop doing this, because one-guideline-one-version textbook policy was illegal. Although the pressure from Central Government was huge, one-guideline-one-version textbook policy was implemented at last. To discover how could Taipei City Government implement one-guideline-one-version textbook policy, researcher used case study. The case was one-guideline-one-version text book policy, and the unit of analysis were steps of one-guideline-one-version textbook policy formation. The data was from documentation and interviews. After analyzed the data, researcher had three conclusions: 1. Ministry of Education was the block of one-guideline-one-version textbook policy. Taipei City Government used the right of subject to a forcible measure in judicial review by the Grand Judges to against Ministry of Education. 2. The reasons that one-guideline-one-version textbook policy one-guideline-one-version textbook policy could be implemented were the insistence of mayor , the basis of public, good strategies, and the communication between Local Government and National Government. Finally researcher had three advices: 1. Legal Departments should make sure that the authority of local education departments can be clearly distinct from Ministry of Education. 2. Local Governments should maintain good relationship with National Government. 3. Local Governments could cooperate to implement policies.


