  • 學位論文


Building experience vocational phase of the computerized motor skills testing system-using electronics and electrical engineering ,and hospitality groups as examples

指導教授 : 蕭顯勝


對於台灣九年級學生而言,除了面對升學壓力之外,升學的選擇也是一大難題,而現今之職涯測驗無法與職業類群所需之動作技能直接對應,職業教育所強調的即是培育第一線之人員,因此除了專業知識之外,肢體操作的能力也是必須考量的一環;而擁有實作課程之職業類群對於手眼協調能力及手部穩定程度尤其注重。此外,現有測驗常模老舊,無法套用於現在的受試者,而其他動作的測驗工具又不易施測,甚至得耗費大量施測成本,更無法提供受試者體會高職職業類群所需之技能。本研究針對目前職業類群中最多人選讀之電機電子群及餐旅群,各自挑選該類群之基本實作技能,以提供受試者體驗該類群所需技能,並藉此測得其手眼協調及手部穩定程度分數;經調查及訪談專家結果並考量其電腦化之可能性,選擇焊接以及切菜作為測驗之內容。 本研究結合Wii remote之動作擷取技術以及測驗電腦化的優勢開發一體驗高職職業類群所需技能之電腦化動作技能測驗系統,以提供成本較低且具參考價值之測驗工具。為建置具有信效度之測驗系統,信度採重測信度方式,將兩次測驗結果進行相關分析;效度方面,考量國中學生從未接受焊接及切菜之教學,無法使用其他測驗工具進行同時效度,因此採專家效度方式。經預試、正式施測、重複施測以及搭配實施電腦素養問卷等過程,研究結果如下: 1. 本系統之測驗內容、向度及計分方式,依焊接及切菜兩測驗,分別經三位專家審查後,修正而成,因此具專家效度。重測信度之 Pearson相關係數則分別達.82(p<.01)以及.71(p<.01),相關係數呈高度相關,顯示本測驗系統具測驗可信度。 2.本研究搭配電腦素養問卷以蒐集受測者性別、是否擁有體感裝置、體感裝置使用經驗及體感裝置使用態度等數據,經由數據分析指出,上述四個向度並不會影響測驗結果。 希望本研究之成果能提供台灣八年級學生,作為手眼協調、手部穩定程度的分析工具,藉高職職業類群取向的測驗內容,提供體驗型測驗方式,並同時測得其手眼協調能力及手部穩定程度分數,期望本測驗系統能提供學生選擇合適職業類科的分科參考;另一方面,更希望能給予其他相關電腦化測驗之建議。


In Taiwan, ninth grade students need to not only face the pressure but also the problem of choosing advanced schools. Even though some of the current career tests can be used to examine motor skills, but the tests are still dependent on sophisticated tools for the measurement of participants’ motor skills. Students applying for vocational high schools (VHS) have many options in terms of which subject to major in. However, choosing a suitable major is difficult for students as each department has its own specific requirement. For example, the most popular departments in VHS, including electronic and electrical engineering group and hospitality group have different demands in motor skills, hand-eye coordination and hand movements. Even though some schools have provided internship courses for junior high school students, there are still some students who do not have the opportunity to apply for the courses. This research aimed to build a computerized motor skills testing system by useing Wii remotes as the testing tool. Wii remotes are able to detect human movements, such as hand-eye coordination and hand movements, and send data by Bluetooth immediately into computer . This study aimed to build a testing system, and used electronics and electrical engineering, and hospitality groups as examples. The researchers not only tested the reliability and the validity of the system but examined subject’s computer literacy to find out the relationship between computer literacy and the computerized testing system. After analyzing the results, we provided the conclusions as follows: 1. The researchers assessed the validity and the reliability of the testing system by means of the expert validity and the test-retest reliability. And the results of reliability in electronics and electrical engineering, and hospitality are .82(p<.01) and .71(p<.01), respectively. 2. The researchers investigated the participants’ background to find out the effect of the participants’ background on the results. The researchers argued that the participants’ background, including ‘gender,’ ‘whether has a motion sensing input device at home,’ ‘motion sensing input device using experience ’ did not have a significant influence on the results. It is hoped that this research is able to provide a gross motor skill analysis tool for Taiwan students and to offer some suggests to future studies which also focus on the examination of computerized tests.


陳柏維、歐廣順、林韋澄、陳國聲(2009)。Wiimote 紅外線室內定位技術與運動控制應用於智慧建築之研究。中國機械工程學會第二十六屆全國學術研討會論文集,台南市。
