  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 方泰山


本研究根據第40 (2008)-43 (2011)屆臺灣化學奧林匹亞選訓過 程:(一) 初選報名及實際參與人數,(二) 參賽學生成績,(三) 第43 屆臺灣化奧參賽選手問卷回函等三種資料,經過統計與分析程序來探 討。自2010 年首次試辦“單一性別名額措施”對於臺灣化奧報名與 選訓過程的影響並檢視是否達到當初預期的兩個目標: (一) 該措施 的實施,可否增加女性學生的報名參與意願;(二) 該措施可否幫助化 奧選訓團隊篩選出具備實力代表臺灣出賽的女性參賽選手與其成效。 研究結果顯示: (一) 經由報名人數的統計與分析顯示“單一性 別名額措施”的 施行,只在短時間內引起女性學生的注意;(二) 根 據選訓營入選及實際參與名單顯示,即使有保障定額錄取的機制,仍 有男女性學生放棄參與資格。雖然女性學生放棄資格的比例較男性學 生為低;(三) 首次施辦“單一性別名額措施”的第42 屆臺灣化奧選 訓未能篩選出具化學潛能的女性學生,但卻能迅速地在隔年的第43 屆篩選出兩位實力堅強的女性學生成為參賽選手,顯示可在選訓名額 措施下幫助發展女學生的化學潛能;(四) 根據第43 屆參賽選手的觀 點,該措施的施行確實不但可以鼓舞一些實力堅強的女性學生參與報 名,且對於實力堅強的男性學生並不會降低報名參與的意願。 總結上述研究結果,得知“單一性別名額措施”的施行雖然只能 於短期內激起女性學生的興趣而增加報名參與的意願,卻能在臺灣化 奧選訓過程中發掘出女性學生的化學潛能,甚至篩選出代表臺灣參加 國際化學奧林匹亞競賽參賽選手。這不僅僅顯示該措施實現了設立的 初衷,也說明了只要有措施層面上的幫助,雖屬少數的女性學生於化 學科目上的成就表現也不會輸給男性學生,甚至能表現得更加亮眼, 不過需注意男學生於競賽上的公平性與被保障女學生的化學能力在 現實價值觀的社會,是否能安穩應付更為艱深的國際水準化學課程, 仍有待觀察。為符合兩性平權的期待,建議複選選拔訓練營的單一性 別保障名額能更進一步提升至同決選的1/3 總名額。


This study is based on the 40th (2008)-43rd (2011) IChOs of the 4 runs in Taiwan Chemistry Olympiad selection and training program data: (1) primary application and the actual number of participants for the 1st run examination, (2) participating students achievement, and (3) 43rd International Chemistry Olympiad contestants’ questionnaire reply letter etc., through statistics and analysis to examine the first implementation in 2010 of the act " single-sex quotas " in the Selection and Training program of Taiwanese team to the International Chemistry Olympiad in achieving the two original intended targets: (1) the passion of female students participation, and (2) the more female contestants in the Taiwanese Team to IChO. Results of this study are as follows: 1. Based on primary exam (1st run) enrollment statistics and analysis, “single-sex quotas "act draws the attention of female students only for a short period. 2. According to the 2nd and 3rd runs of the selection and study camps, even if there is a " single-sex quotas "act, there were still 10~20% students giving up eligibility. It is a pity that although the proportion of female students to give up this opportunity is lowers than that of the male students; there are still female students to surrender in these rare quotas. 3. No female student was selected in the first implementation of the act “single-sex quotas " as the Taiwanese contestants in 42nd IChO, but half of the female-contestants were in the Taiwanese team and all got metals as well of the next 2011 43rd IChO. 4. According to the survey of the 4 43rd contestants , " single-sex quotas "act can encourage and motivate only relatively small number of confidant and positive attitude female students toward chemistry, and male students with confidence are still enrolled in and will not reduce. In summary, we learned that although " single-sex quotas " act can only in the short term promote the interest and attention of female students in the field of Chemistry, this act does help in finding and digging out the potential of female-student and realized in the IChO events. This act is not only achieve the 2 original targets, but also shows that the female-student has a more mature and steady sate in the experimental and life(organic) science as well, so long as the selection and study program are based on fairness assessments and ability in the Chemistry field. It is suggested that the female-quotas of the 2nd run study-camp can be increased from the current 1/5 to 1/3 as that of the final 3rd run.


場- 。國際化學奧林匹亞(I),9-11。國立台灣師範大學科學教育中心編印。
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