  • 學位論文


The study of cognitive components of the elementary school students with literacy difficulties

指導教授 : 洪儷瑜


本研究旨在探討識字困難、寫字困難及讀寫困難受試讀寫能力的變化及特質,並藉由不同讀寫能力者的認知能力表現,探討讀寫能力與認知能力的關係。 研究對象為台北縣市國小二、三年級學生,以「扥尼非語文智力測驗」及「基本讀寫字綜合測驗」選取出智力正常之普通對照、識字困難、手寫困難及讀寫困難四組學生共37名,分別進行注意力、工作記憶、序列記憶、注音符號認讀、拼音、部件辨識及心理詞彙等認知能力測驗。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 各組型讀寫特質:「識字困難組」手寫能力正常,整體的識字表現均低落,寫字表現則隨著識字能力的高低,而呈現出不同的水準;「手寫困難組」則是手寫能力顯著低落,識字能力正常,寫字表現雖反映出正常水準,但寫字的品質卻可能受到手寫能力影響而呈現低落的情形;「讀寫困難組」則是識字及手寫能力均顯著低落,因此整體讀寫能力均呈現明顯的低落,手寫能力問題也使得寫字成品的間架結構較差。 二、 讀寫能力的關係:中文書寫能力除寫作能力外,可再區分為手寫及寫字能力,其中寫字能力乃植基在識字與手寫能力之上,但寫字能力卻無法影響識字能力的表現;手寫能力的高低,會影響寫字表現,反之,也可能因寫字能力而影響手寫能力的產出成品,此外,手寫能力可不受識字能力影響而獨立運作,手寫能力也無法對識字能力產生影響。 三、讀寫能力與認知能力的關係 (一)識字能力與認知能力的關係:對讀寫低落的三組而言,各項識字測驗與拼音能力的關係最為密切,對手寫低落受試而言,各識字測驗亦與工作記憶及序列記憶有關。 (二)寫字能力與認知能力的關係:本研究所得到認知能力與寫字能力的關係並不明顯,甚至呈現不穩定的結果,但研究者透過個案分析及文獻探討的結果推論,「手寫低落組」受試抄寫的低落,可能與工作記憶、視動統整及注意力有關。 本研究並針對研究結果及研究限制,對讀寫困難學生的診斷、教學及未來研究提出建議。


The purposes of this study were to examine the changes and traits of literacy ability of students with word recognition difficulties (RD in short)、handwriting difficulties (HD in short) and literacy difficulties (LD in short), and to analyze the relationship between their cognitive components, word recognition and handwriting. The sample of this study included 37 second or third graders. All students with normal IQ were divided into four groups, on the basis of the result of the Basic Literacy Test. The four groups were normal students (NS in short), RD, HD and LD. All the participants were measured their cognitive abilities included attention, working memory, sequential memory, Zhu-Yin-Fu-Hao recognition, phoneme blending, radical recognition, and mental lexicon. The main findings of this research were stated as follows: 1. The literacy ability traits of each subtype: RD group was with normal character-copy, but poor word recognition performances, and the performances of character- writing were influenced by word recognition in the group. HD group was with poor character-copy, but normal word recognition, and the character- writing was affected by character-copy. LD group was with poor word recognition and handwriting, so their literacy abilities were significantly poor. 2. The relationship between word recognition and handwriting: Besides composition, Chinese handwriting was defined to include character-copy and character-writing. Character-copy could affect character-writing performances, on the other hand, character-writing could also affect character-copy productions. Besides, character-copy could not be affected by word recognition, character-copy could not affect word recognition either. 3. The relationship between literacy and cognitive abilities: (1) The relationship between word recognition and cognitive abilities: The phoneme blending was correlated with word recognition in RD, HD and LD group. Furthermore, in HD group, word recognition was also correlated with working memory and sequential memory. (2) The relationship between handwriting and cognitive abilities: The relationship between writing and cognitive abilities was not significant in this study. But according to the case analysis and the inferences from reference discussion, the poor character-copy performances of low handwriting group might be related to the working memory, visual-motor integration and attention. According the aforementioned findings, the limitations of this study, and the recommendations to research and practical implementations were made.


