  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Exercise Training and Sleep Quality of Swimming Athlete in Senior High School

指導教授 : 方進隆


身體活動量是影響睡眠品質的重要因子,一般大眾和臨床認為適度運動有助於預防和改善睡眠問題,許多探討運動與睡眠關係的文章,卻獲得了不一致的結果。本文以16名高中游泳運動員為研究對象,並隨機選取同校一般同學30名為對照,以一個完整的訓練週期為觀察時間,分別於季外訓練期、加強期、高峰期、遞減期取樣,收集其身體活動量、運動訓練量與睡眠品質資料,探討身體活動量與運動訓練量對於受試者睡眠品質及七要素之相關與差異情形。研究結果發現,不同訓練階段受試者身體活動量無顯著差異,但運動組的平均睡眠品質狀況優於控制組。運動組四期的睡眠品質總分、運動訓練量、平均心跳率、平均速度、訓練距離、訓練時間達顯著差異。 受試者身體活動量與匹茲堡睡眠品質總分並無明顯相關;運動組平均心跳率與睡眠品質有明顯負面相關;加強期、高峰期、遞減期的訓練距離、訓練分鐘與睡眠品質總分皆顯著地高於季外訓練期,顯示運動訓練量增大時,睡眠品質有變差的趨勢。 本研究結果顯示體適能良好或有運動習慣者睡眠品質較佳,但運動訓練之訓練強度與競技運動員睡眠品質有負面相關,在訓練處方的設計及過度訓練臨界值界定的相關研究上具有參考價值。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical activities and sleep quality of senior high school swimming athletes. The duration of this study was four months including four periods. We examined physiological and sleep change in swimmers during a whole swimming training term; that is, in non-training period, at the onset of training, at the peak of training, and after a reduction in training before competitions. Additionally, the difference of the sleep quality among sixteen swimming athletes and thirty randomly selected students was compared. Both groups of the students in Sung-shan Senior High School in Taipei City were asked to fill out the designed questionnaires. The data including the total amount of physical activity, exercise training, volume of training, intensity of training and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) of each item listed above was assessed. The data analysis and the result were followed. There was no significant relationship between the PSQI and the total amount of physical activity during the four periods. However, a significant difference in PSQI existed in the exercise training, volume of training, intensity of training. Moreover, there was no correlated variable between the total amount of physical activity and sleep quality. However, each one of exercise training, volume of training, intensity of training existed negative correlated variables to sleep quality, which meant that acute and chronic exercise tends to harm the sleep quality of swimming athletes. This study also showed that the athletes’ fitness and regular exercise benefited sleep quality. As a result, this study provides swimming coaches with information on how to make training plans and how to avoid harm to the sleep quality of athletes.
