  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林如章


學生在學習新的概念時,經常會受到先前概念的影響而使學習成效大打折扣。一般而言,教師在教學時比較注重知識方面的傳授,忽略學生在建構知識時所衍生出來的想法,因此教師所教的內容不一定是學生感興趣的部分。在概念診斷方面,常見的幾種方式如概念構圖法、二段式診斷測驗等偏重在認知方面的探查,且執行過程中略嫌繁瑣。 本研究以「化學變化」為主題,利用簡單的文章寫作方式,讓學生表達出先前概念,透過教師的統整,架構出教學內容的輪廓。在學生探索問題的活動中,藉由同儕間意見發表與分享,營造出欲解答問題的情境,經由實作的驗證之後,教師再將學生的歸納結果轉化成專有名詞或學科知識。學習活動之後,用學習前提過的相同問題,讓學生再一次地用文章寫作方式,表達出他們的看法,藉此瞭解學生在科學概念與其他能力方面的改變。研究結果顯示: 1.從學生在學習後所表現出來的資料中發現,透過文章敘述方式,瞭解 學生的先前概念並參考相關迷思概念的研究所設計的教學內容對學生在建構「化學變化」的概念方面,具有良好的成效,且學生也能針對學習前、後所寫的內容進行自我評量。 2.在探查學生認知、情意、技能方面的轉變時,文章敘述法比其他的方式在時間與空間上有更好的便利性。


When students learn new concepts, their preconception usually reduce their learning effects. Generally speaking, what teachers teach may not attract students because teachers concentrate on imparting book knowledge rather than mental interaction with students during their process of learning. For concept diagnosis, some familiar modes, for example “concept mapping” or “two-tier multiple choice”, one-sidedly emphasize on exploring students' change in cognition and the practicing processes are too complicated. In the research on “chemical change”, the framework of teaching plan by integrating students’ simple narration of their preconception. In the process of discussing, they bring out a situation of “wanting to solve problems” through their communication and sharing ideas with their classmates. After the presumptions have been verified, teachers may lead students' inferences up to terminology or science rules. In addition, teachers may propose the same questions that mentioned before students’learning activities to make students express their thoughts by narration in order to understand their change in scientific concepts and other abilities. The results of the research indicate as follows: 1.From students’narration after-activity narration, researcher find that teaching plans according to understanding of students’preconception and relative research referring to misconception helps students a lot in building up their concept of chemical change. Students can also do self-evaluation in accordance with narration before and after their learning activities. 2.After exploring students’ change in cognition, affection and skill, we find that narration is more convenient than other ways no matter in time or space.


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