  • 學位論文


The Study on Service Quality of Public Vocational Training Institution in Taiwan,R.O.C.

指導教授 : 陳聰勝 田振榮


在國內失業率攀升、公營機構公辦民營的呼聲高漲,公共職業訓練機構面臨更激烈的生存與競爭的挑戰;因此提昇訓練服務品質,實為當務之急;但服務品質之評估,是較困難且較具爭議的。本研究所探討公共職業訓練機構服務品質,在學術上對服務品質及滿意度的評量方法有許多,本研究參考P.Z.B.模式所提出有關服務品質之特性、構面針對職業訓練之特性作落差分析,問卷針對職業訓練中心學員及經常進用職訓結訓學員之企業用人單位等對公共職業訓練機構不同背景的人員對服務品質的重視程度及感受程度,作落差之調查分析,作為對機構未來提昇服務品質、強化訓練等方面,提供若干參考意見。 本研究之問卷共分學員、企業用人單位二種問卷。以我國12所公訓中心學員採抽樣10%計約600人(有效樣本528份)及企業用人單位120(63)家共計寄發問卷720份(有效樣本591份)。資料統計方法採:次數分配、t考驗(p<0.05顯著水準)、單因子變異數分析(one-way anova) 等。 本研究發現公共職業訓練機構的服務品質構面包括確實性、及時性與關懷性等三個構面,在服務品質重視程度上學員的平均值相近,顯示學員對於服務品質重視程度上,態度是一致的,惟學員在服務品質感受程度平均值普遍皆低,顯示學員並不滿意公共職業訓練機構的服務品質,存在P.Z.B.模式之落差五,這是由於學員對於公共職業訓練機構法令規章及公文作業程序與時間延宕較不能忍受,而產生服務品質知覺上的差異,值得各注意改進。而要提供符合學員與企業用人單位期望的服務,則公共職業訓練機構須從企業用人單位及學員的感受觀點來檢討,作為日後公共職業訓練機改進之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the role played by The Public Vocational Training Institution (PVTI) with respect to the importance of its service quality, level of satisfaction by its customers and the variations in its service delivery. Academically, there are many ways to evaluate the service quality and level of satisfaction. Here we followed the variation analysis used by Parsuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985) to explore the characteristics of service quality, structure and the characteristics of vocational training. The survey is in a questionnaire format and it is intended to explore the variation in the perception of service quality by various groups. The results will form some basis for our government to improve the service quality for its vocational training. It is also expected to boost morale for their teachers and staff members through better training and improved service. The study toke 600 samples or 10% of student samples from our country's 12 PVTIs and 120 industry firm of 12 PVTIs . The total number of effective questionnaires is 591. The statistical methods include: Applied frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, t test (p< 0.05 significance level), single factor variation analysis (One way ANOVA) (including sample size, mean, standard deviation and standard error) (use Scheffé's post test if variation reaches certain significance level to compare the variations among different groups). The study found some questions in the PVTI, by scoring lower average in service quality of their students and industry firm, be empthy to pay more attention to the service quality. The remaining 2 groups (students and enterprises) all score lower averages in their 29-question questionnaires which indicated there is room for improvement. The level of satisfaction for the general students and industry firm , which indicates the general students and industry firm are unsatisfying about the service quality of the vocational training. This may be due to the complexities of laws and regulations and delays of file processing. The perception of poor quality should be brought to the attention of management of the PVTI. In order to provide a service to meet the expectation of all students, the management needs to evaluate its performance based on the need of the whole student body. The most effective ways of improvement will either reduce or eliminate the variations in the perception of service quality.


張天津(民85)。技術及職業教育行政教育視導。台北市 : 三民書局。


