  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Cross Joints structure strength on Cabinet Making Region

指導教授 : 盧俊宏


本研究旨在探討「傢俱插榫」結構之強度因素,並採用柚木、山毛櫸及赤楊木等三種材料為實驗基材,以萬能試驗機作抗拉破壞實驗,並探討抗拉強度與木材硬度之相關性,配合電腦統計軟體進行統計分析歸納,以科學客觀之立場,解釋、闡明統計數據所代表的內涵與意義,作為傢俱製造業者及設計業者之參考依據。 本研究重要結論如下: 一、傢俱插榫試件材料硬度平均值分析中,山毛櫸硬度值為3.69最大,柚木硬度值為3.16次之,赤楊木硬度值為2.41最小。 二、山毛櫸之傢俱插榫試件其抗拉強度破壞平均負荷為1818.72kgf是三組試件最大的一組。 三、柚木之傢俱插榫試件其抗拉強度破壞平均負荷為1288.09kgf 是三組試件最小的一組。其中柚木因本身材質特殊,對膠合之抗拉強度有相對之影響,為本研究重大發現之一。 四、赤楊木之傢俱插榫試件其抗拉強度破壞平均負荷為1724.69kgf 優於柚木。 五、本研究實驗之傢俱插榫試件(山毛櫸、柚木、赤楊木),其抗拉強度破壞負荷值與木材硬度成正比,而硬度愈大之樹種,其試件抗拉強度愈大。 六、本研究所獲得重要結論為:硬度高之材料其傢俱插榫試件強度優於硬度較低之材料。


傢俱 插榫 結構 強度


The purpose of this research is aimed at using the three materials as teak, beech and alder as the basic experimental woods and applied the almighty testing machine to the experiment of pulling and destroying ,it was also expected that the research found something about the relativity of the pulling strength and the wood hardness, and with the help of the computer SPSS system for statistical analysis and induction, this study was planned to explain the representation and meaning of the statistics figures scientifically and objectively with the aim of providing the referential evidence for the furniture manufacturers and designers. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Among the hardness analysis of the furniture crossing-joint testing materials, the hardness value of the beach is 3.6888, which is bigger than the hardness value of the teak, 3.1550, which is bigger the hardness value of the alder. 2. The average pulling-apart destructive strength burden for the furniture crossing-joint of beech is 1818.7188kgf, which is the biggest of the three testing sets. 3.The average pulling-apart destructive strength burden for the furniture crossing-joint of teak is 1288.093kgf, which is the smallest of the three testing sets. 4.The average pulling-apart destructive strength burden for the furniture crossing-joint of alder is 1724.6875kgf, which is superior to that of the teak. 5.Of the furniture crossing-joint structure in this experiment (of the materials such as beech, teak, and alder), their pulling-apart destructive bearing value is right-proportioned as the hardiness of the woods. The harder the wood material was, the stronger the furniture crossing-joint pulling-apart was. 6.The crucial conclusion from the research is that the materials with high hardness are mechanically higher than those with low hardness, and the structure strength of the furniture crossing-joint of the materials with high hardness is superior to those materials with low hardness.


furniture crossing-joint structure strength




