  • 學位論文


The Impact of Extensive Reading on Vocational High School Students' Reading, Writing, and Learning Motivation

指導教授 : 朱錫琴


摘要 本研究的主要目的在探討廣泛閱讀教學對高職生閱讀、寫作能力,及提升學習動機之效用。除此之外,本研究也探討高職生對廣泛閱讀之看法及問題的所在。 本研究方法採用質與量的分析。研究資料的收集來自閱讀能力測驗、寫作測驗、七十八份動機問卷調查及面談。本研究的受試者是由宜蘭高商兩班程度相等的一年級學生所組成。其中一班為實驗組,在每堂英文課加入十五鐘廣泛閱讀教學活動;另一班為控制組,每堂英文課加入十五鐘傳統閱讀訓練。兩組每星期的英文課皆為五堂,每堂英文課為五十分鐘。本研究共為期十二週。 研究結果顯示:廣泛閱讀教學未能有效提升學生的閱讀能力,但對學生英文寫作在量(總字數、每個T-unit的字數)與質的方面均有顯著的提升。在學習動機方面,根據學習動機問卷調查的結果,有三題顯示內在動機明顯增強:學英文非常有趣;英文課讓我感到輕鬆愉快;及我不喜歡學英文,但我知道學英文非常重要。一題外在動機明顯增強:我學英文的目的之一是要看懂英文小說。此外,實驗組的學生對廣泛教學多持有正面的看法,雖然他們在問卷中提到單字量不足及時間不充裕是他們遇到最大的困難。同時,學生也認同廣泛閱讀對他們的閱讀及寫作能力以及引起動機方面有幫助。


廣泛閱讀 閱讀 寫作 動機


ABSTRACT This study aimed to investigate the impact of extensive reading on vocational high school students’ reading, writing, and motivation. In addition, the student responses to extensive reading were analyzed and investigated. Research data were collected from reading comprehension tests, student writings, motivational questionnaires, and interviews. Seventy-eight participants, composed of two first-grade students in I-lan Commercial Vocational High School, were assigned to one experimental group (EG) and another control group (CG). A 12-week extensive reading training activity was incorporated into regular school curriculum to compare its effects with traditional, grammar-based, instruction of reading. The teaching procedures for the two groups were almost identical, except that the EG spent 15 minutes per period, 5 periods per week reading graded readers of their own choice and did three meaning-focused activities, while the CG did three form-focused activities with a traditional reading textbook. The results of the present study indicated that extensive reading did not impact students’ reading comprehension as indicated by a standardized reading test. As for writing ability, extensive reading had a positive effect in promoting student writing in terms or total length, length per T-unit, and the holistic quality of writing. Furthermore, three aspects of intrinsic motivation, “I enjoy learning English,” “Learning English makes me happy and comfortable,” and “I don’t like English but I know learning English is important for me,” and one aspect of extrinsic motivation, “One of the reasons I am learning English is because I will be able to read English novels,” were impacted by the extensive reading program. The results of the study also showed that students in the EG held positive attitudes toward extensive reading although they encountered some difficulties such as too many unfamiliar words and lack of adequate time to read. Moreover, they confirmed the role that extensive reading played in promoting their reading ability, writing development, and arousing their motivation.


Extensive Reading Reading Writing Motivation


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