  • 學位論文

思者為王: 運用小組策略閱讀之探究式教學法對台灣高中生進行英語閱讀教學的成效

Think to Win: An Inquiry-Based Approach via Collaborative Strategic Reading Technique to Teach English Reading in a Senior High EFL Classroom

指導教授 : 陳秋蘭教授


論 文 摘 要 在傳統的英語閱讀教學活動中,學生的學習是被動的。今日雖崇尚溝通式教學法,從事英語教學的老師,仍以講述文法及字詞解釋為重。在此種學習環境中,同學與同學之間或老師與同學之間,難有實際的溝通互動產生。因此,本研究採用全語言教學法中的探究式教學法,配合小組策略閱讀(CSR),以學生為中心,老師為誘導者,透過問題的設計,從事閱讀教學;學生在達成任務的過程中,批判與創造性思考得到啟發,人際技巧與情緒管理也同時增進。參與本實驗研究的學生共八十四位。他們是台北市某著名女中的兩班高一學生。兩班的入學成績(基本學力測驗)並無不同。研究者以其一班為實驗組,實施探究式教學法;另一班為控制組,採用傳統閱讀教學法。本研究目的是為探討此另類閱讀教學方式對學生英語閱讀之成效,以及此教學法在現行台灣高中教育之可行性,故本研究以學校採用之共同教科書作為閱讀教材。此外,學生學習態度問卷、學生學後回饋、學後師生訪談、教師之課堂觀察、學生小組討論結果、學生讀後心得寫作、校內的段考成績等均做為檢核此教學法的工具。 本實驗所獲得之結果和發現,歸納成以下幾點:(1)在學生學習成就方面,根據統計分析校內段考成績之結果,參與探究式教學法的學生平均成績與接受傳統閱讀教學學生並無不同,但由學生讀後心得中看出控制組學生對文章的理解錯誤較多,且實驗組學生的心得內容較豊富。(2)在學習態度方面,根據訪談及問卷結果,參與小組討論的同學比接受傳統閱讀教學的學生學到更多的自學策略及技巧,態度也較積極。多數學生覺得自己的學習方法變得較為主動。在一學期的探究式教學法之後,多數學生覺得自己的口語表達能力較以前進步。(3) 在師生對此教學法的態度方面,多數學生對此教學法持肯定態度,且希望老師繼續用此法教學,但希望老師多給予文法上的解釋。而教師則對此教學法增進師生互動、且造成學生情緒與社交上的成長表示定。 本研究結果在教學上的啟示是:(1)老師適當的提問能將書本的知識與學生的真實經驗連結,不僅提高學生的閱讀興趣,更能提昇學生的參與感,且經主動思考過的知識較不易遺忘。探究法實是提高學生閱讀能力的有效教學策略之一。(2)經由此教學法,學生不僅學到閱讀技巧,更重要的是學到了如何與同儕相處的社會技巧。尊重、分享、接納他人的意見,相互支持與協助。遇有問題會主動查詢或與人討論,具有較積極的學習態度。(3)在小組討論中,學生教學互助,互相觀摩運用閱讀策略,其在動機上的刺激勝於老師多次的勸說。對於想要提昇學生學習動機及閱讀技巧之教師,小組策略閱讀(CSR)的方法是值得嘗試與推薦。(4)探究式教學法對學生的聽、說、讀、寫能力均有增進作用,是一種全方位並全人的教學方式。


Abstract This study aims to research on the feasibility of an inquiry-based approach to English reading instruction—by using the technique of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). The instructional approach puts more emphasis on students' learning than on teacher's teaching, to make classroom talks become in-depth content communication through the teacher’s leading questions, and at the same time, to develop students’ interpersonal skills. Two senior high classes, 42 students in each, were recruited. One class received experimental intervention; the other was taught via a traditional decoding approach. The experiment lasted for one semester, from September 2003 to January 2004. By examining teacher-student interviews, as well as the students' post-treatment feedbacks, attitude questionnaire, and the teacher's classroom observations, the researcher hoped to explore the effects of the new approach on teacher and student’s attitudes. By comparing students' achievements in terms of school exams and post-reading writing performance, this project explores the effects and feasibility of the inquiry-based approach and hopes to instill some food of thought into the present ELT instruction in Taiwan. The results were summarized as follows: (1) In terms of learning achievement, no significant differences were found in students’ school exam scores, which means the experimental group did as well as the control group. But in their post-reading writing assignments, more idea units, critical thinking, and evidences of self-discovery were shown in the experimental group; on the contrary, more signs of misunderstanding while reading the texts were found in the control group. (2) In terms of learners’ attitude toward English learning, the experimental group reported much more progress in self-learning skills than the control group did. Most of the students in the experimental group reported that they became more active and enthusiastic to learn English after the intervention; meanwhile, more than 60% of them also reported that they improved in their oral skills. (3) In terms of the teacher’s and students’ attitudes toward this instructional approach, most of the students in experimental group gave positive comments on the teaching, and the teacher was also sure of the positive impacts that the teaching made to students’ social and emotional growth. Also, on the background that all students in the experimental group could sense major differences between this intervention and their former English classes, most of them still liked the teacher to continue teaching in this way, except that they asked for more grammatical explanation. Although there were some room for improvement on grammar teaching, the inquiry-based approach proved to be viable in teaching EFL reading, especially in that it enhanced students’ critical thinking, self-learning ability, social skills, and emotional growth. The pedagogical implications of this study are: (1) The inquiry-based pedagogy is helpful for promoting teacher-student interaction, enhancing involvement of students, and linking book knowledge with real life experience, through which knowledge is solidly built. It is really an effective teaching strategy to build up active readers. (2) The CSR technique is helpful to create a supportive learning environment to enhance students’ social and emotional skills, with which students respect and share other people’s opinions, support and help each other in the completion of tasks. (3) This instructional approach not only trains students in reading skills, but also motivates students to learn English through peer monitoring. (4) The inquiry-based pedagogy compels students to listen, speak, read, and write English at the same time and therefore has the potential to enhance the four language skills. All these validate that the inquiry-based pedagogy is a rounded, whole-personal education.


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