  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 單文經博士


本研究旨在探討綜合活動學習領域教師之教學專業知識內涵。實際進入教育現場中,以一名任教於國中之童軍教育專長的綜合活動領域教師為個案研究對象。透過觀察及訪談等質性研究方式,探討個案教師在從事綜合活動學習領域教學時的教學專業知識。 根據文獻探討,質性研究資料分析,本研究之結論如下。 綜合活動學習領域教師之教學專業知識應包括最能展現學科教學特色之「學科教學知識」,與展現教師工作專業性之「一般教學知識」兩大內涵。 其中個案教師之綜合活動學習領域的「學科教學知識」,在展現跨學科領域的「綜合」精神、幫助學生進行理論與實用的聯結、及童軍教師在綜合活動學習領域具領導優勢等教學信念影響下,呈現出以能力指標為基礎、生活化的課程內容並結合童軍特色的課程內涵。在教學上以著重「實做活動」、多元化的評量方式及運用「小隊制度」之童軍教學方式,呈現出綜合活動課程的特色。 而個案教師進行綜合活動學習領域教學時的推理及行動過程有教學前的理解、轉換;教學中的教導、評量;教學後的省思、新理解等階段。 影響個案教師教學專業知識的來源則有:師範大學教育的養成、主動積極參與的多元社團經驗、持續的童軍服務活動、參與進修研習、與教學同儕的觀摩學習、和上網收集資料、看書、多元吸收資訊…的自我成長模式,深具實務經驗的知識特色。 最末根據前述研究發現,針對綜合活動學習領域教師、學校單位、教育主管機關、師資培育機構及後續研究,分別提出進一步的建議。


The purpose of this research was to study the teacher’s professional knowledge for teaching in integrative activity courses. By entering practically educational circumstances, the researcher took a subject who is a scout education expert teacher of junior high school integrative activity courses for case study. The qualitative research approaches, such as observations and interviews, were employed to explore the teacher’s professional knowledge in teaching integrative activity courses. Based on literature review and data analysis, several concluding marks were obtained as follows. The teacher’s professional knowledge of integrative activity courses fall into the following two categories: Pedagogical content knowledge which most represents characteristic of course teaching and general pedagogical knowledge in which teacher’s specialized fields are exhibited. In this research, the factors of influence on course content include “integrative” spirits across multi-subject courses, establishing connection between theories and real situations for students, and advantage in integrative activity courses for scout education teachers. After that, the teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge in integrative activity courses result in the course representation, which is based on ability indicators, living course contents, and integrated into characteristics of scout education. For the duration of instruction, the teacher focuses on practical activities, diversified grading methods, and application of patrol system to display the features of integrative activity courses. While the teacher proceeding with integrative activity courses, pedagogical reasoning and actions include several stages: comprehension and transformation of pre-teaching, instruction and evaluation while teaching, as well as reflection and new comprehensions of post-teaching. The factors that affects professional knowledge for a teacher’s instruction come from several aspects, such as the developmental education of the normal universities, enthusiastic participation in school clubs, sustained scout service activities, pursuing further education, learning from fellow teachers by exchanging views, obtaining knowledge from internet, books, and various sources. The above mentioned activities would enrich teacher’s practical knowledge. Finally, according to this research, suggestions were made to integrative activity courses teachers, junior high schools, administrative departments of the government, and organizations of teachers training.


