  • 學位論文


"An endless journey of self-adjustment."--A narrative study of the schooling experience of the hearing-impaired/deaf students.

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗 博士


中 文 摘 要 本研究的目的為,瞭解聽障者/聾人求學過程中的主觀經驗。本研究以敘說研究的研究方法,以半結構式的訪談大綱,對五位受訪者進行深度訪談。研究過程中,受訪者經由自由敘說呈現每一階段的經驗藍圖,再由研究者與受訪者共同建構出較細緻且完整的經驗。本研究以訪談過程中的對話作為分析的文本,以「類別-形式」的方式分析出結果。 研究的結果如下: 1.聽障者/聾人在求學歷程中,若處於下述的情境,較容易面臨到個人能力無法解決的困境:啟聰學校校內、校外經驗的落差;前後求學階段中支持系統的落差;支持的力量與困境的壓力相抗衡;完全缺乏有效的支持系統。且此困境經驗的根本起源於人際互動中的挫折。 2.聽障者/聾人求學歷程中的困境適應,會先後經歷「混亂階段」、「情緒穩定階段」、「正向/負向調適階段」、「困境突破/困境未突破」等四個階段的動態歷程。這個過程也就是接納自身障礙的歷程。 3.本研究從受訪者的經驗中,歸納出聽障者/聾人求學歷程中之復原力,其中包括:家人、教師、同儕等外在環境資產,以及聽障者/聾人本身之個人內在與行為資產,並深入描述這些資產之所以能夠提昇復原力的關鍵因素。 最後,根據本研究結果,針對學校教師、特殊教育師資培育機構、家長、聽障者/聾人本身、心理諮商師及未來研究提出幾點建議。


Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand the subjective experience of hearing-impaired/deaf people. Based on the narrative research methods, it interviewed 5 participants by a semi-structural questionnaire. The participants shared their academic experience. The result is derived from the view of "Categorical-Form" analysis to treat the data. The result of this study is described as below: 1. The hearing-impaired/deaf people will face some difficulties caused by the frustration while interacting with other people, and unable to cope with those problems. a. The gap between in/out of the school for the hearing-impaired. b. The poor support systems in their academic environments. c. The pressure of difficulties neutralized the supporting resources. (The pressure vs. support systems.) d. The lack of support system. 2. The hearing-impaired/deaf students follow the process of adaptation when they have problems: "emotional chaotic status", "stability of emotion", "adjustment with positive or negative direction" and "break through a difficult situation or not”. This is also the process of self-acceptance. 3. The resilience comes from "Environmental assets" of family, teachers and friends, "Inner assets", and "Behavioral assets". It also describes how do these assets effect on enhancing resilience.. At last, these are some suggestions that related to the work for the hearing-impaired/deaf people, namely, teachers, parents, counselors and so on.


