  • 學位論文


The Exploration of the On-job-training Teaching Models for New Air traffic Controllers

指導教授 : 郭麗玲博士 陳雪雲博士


成人職場教育的目的,不僅是為了專業技術的取得,且更應該具備職場倫理的精神傳承,故本研究旨在探討新進飛航管制員接受實務在職訓練時之教學模式,對其學習效果與專業歷程的可能影響因素,其中強調不同類型的實務訓練教官,秉持不同的教育理念及教學策略,亦有不同之個人教育背景、學習經驗、同儕影響或工作反思,故於實際擔任實務訓練教官時,所表現的專業能力與教學重點也就因人而異。 本研究採深入訪談及實地觀察進行研究,除立意選樣觀察場域中的四位實務訓練教官作為觀察對象並作深入訪談,也以學生學習成效與互動情形作為輔助資料,另訪談兩位具有代表性的資深管制員,則以訪談敘說方式回溯其個人教學經驗。 本研究根據文獻探討以及實地觀察並訪談所得結論與建議如下: 一、影響新進飛航管制員實務訓練成敗之主要因素,與實務訓練教官之專業能力及是否具有建立良好師生關係之行動力,影響最為深遠。 二、影響實務訓練教官專業能力與教學理念之因素很多,但無論正面或負面的影響,其身為學員時的親身經歷影響最為深刻。 三、新進管制員於實務訓練階段所接受到的專業技能與工作規範,將嚴重影響其工作態度、專業發展及是否能從團隊中學習反思並累積經驗。 四、建議國內飛航管制相關單位,重視國際交流並加強重要師資培訓之政策推行。 五、建立擔任實務訓練教官之標準與規範,鼓勵並健全管制員進修機制。




Abstract The purpose of adult occupational education is not only for getting the professional skills, but also spreading the moral principles in the working places. So the main purpose of this research is to explore the teaching models and the probable effect factors for learning impression and the major processes of the new air traffic controllers who have to take the on-job training. In the article, we emphasize there are different types of the on-job-training instructors who even have totally different teaching notion, teaching strategy, personal education background, learning experience, colleagues' influence and working introspection. The above factors do affect the professional abilities and teaching points of those persons who are assigned to be on-job-training instructors. In the research, we take the ways of visiting the four selected instructors and observating their teaching practice in the working fields, the interaction among the trainees and trainers, even visiting two experienced older air traffic controllers who share their teaching experiences in some detail way. By the literature and observation we get the following conclusions and suggestions: 1. The new air traffic controllers who whether can get a good training or not, the main effect factor is the instructors who whether have the professional ability and the ambition of building up a good relationship between the teachers and the students. 2. There are many reasons to affect the teaching concept of the instructors, but the subjective experience of being a trainee is the most powerful reason of them. 3. There are how many percent the professional skills and working principles are accepted by the new air traffic controllers during the on-job-training, will seriously affect the trainees whether can have a good working attitude, professional development, self-examination during the team learning and add his/her working experiences in deed. 4. After the research, we suggest the relative departments of air traffic control can pay more attention to the policies-setting of international actions and teachers'/ instructors' training. Set up the standards and principles of on-job-training instructors and encourage the air traffic controllers to study further in the professional field.


Air Traffic Controller


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