  • 學位論文


Personalities, Traveling Motives, and Satisfaction - A case of Mainland Chinese and Japanese Tourists to Tainwan -

指導教授 : 孫瑜華


為了面對國際的觀光趨勢與促進台灣觀光業的發展,交通部觀光局於2002年擬定「觀光客倍增計畫」,除了深耕日本、香港、東南亞及美國等既有主要目標市場,也積極推動大陸人士來台觀光,顯示政府對大陸市場亦相當重視。本研究就大陸與日本來台旅客為主軸,探討不同人格特質與旅遊動機之來台旅客旅遊滿意度與重遊意願之間的相關性。本研究為「便利性抽樣」,共發放600份問卷,回收有效問卷為477份,並以敘述性統計(Descriptive Statistics)、因素分析(Factor Analysis)、信度分析(Reliability Analysis)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)、多元迴歸分析(Multiple Regression)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson Product-moment Correlation)進行統計分析。 本研究結果顯示,在旅遊動機方面,大陸及日本旅客來台旅遊的主要推力動機因素為「體驗不同的生活型態」;而「參觀文化及歷史勝地」則是他們來台旅遊的主要拉力動機因素,且研究結果亦發現不同國籍、性別、年齡及職業之大陸及日本來台旅客之旅遊動機具有顯著差異。在旅遊滿意度方面,大陸及日本旅客在「導遊服務態度」、「導遊所具備的專業知識及技能」、「導遊導覽解說水準」等三項都呈現較高的滿意度,有70%以上的旅客皆表示滿意或非常滿意,且研究結果亦發現不同國籍、年齡及職業之大陸及日本來台旅客之旅遊滿意度亦具有顯著差異。 此外,研究結果也發現來台花費與旅遊經驗兩變項與「語言溝通」、「住宿服務」、「交通運輸」、「海邊沙灘」、「導遊」、「清潔及衛生」、「價格」等旅遊滿意度之間具有顯著相關。且大陸及日本來台旅客之人格特質各因素與「增進人際關係」、「追求聲望」、「尋求知識」、「放鬆/刺激」、「運動/冒險」等旅遊推力動機之間皆具有顯著相關;大陸及日本來台旅客之人格特質各因素與「娛樂/消費」、「旅遊品質」、「風景/天然資源」、「高科技形象」等旅遊拉力動機之間亦具有顯著相關。另外,研究結果亦發現,大陸及日本來台旅客之人格特質各因素與「語言溝通」、「住宿服務」、「交通運輸」、「旅行社」、「海邊沙灘」、「導遊」、「清潔及衛生」、「人員態度」、「餐廳及購物場所」、「娛樂及設施」、「價格」等旅遊滿意度之間皆具有顯著相關。且大陸及日本來台旅客之旅遊動機與旅遊滿意度,旅遊滿意度與重遊意願之間亦具有顯著相關。 本研究結果期望能提供政府相關單位及觀光旅遊相關業者在規劃大陸及日本旅客來台觀光推廣策略上之參考,同時也讓大眾更暸解大陸及日本旅客來台之旅遊相關行為。


In order to follow the trend of international tourism and to promote the development of Taiwan’s tourism, the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications drew up the plan to “double tourists” in 2002. In addition to further develop the existing major markets, such as Japan, Hong Kong, Southeastern Asia, and America, the government has been actively encouraging people from Mainland China to pay a visit to Taiwan, showing that it also values the Mainland China market. This research focuses on tourists coming from Mainland China and Japan, which have different personalities and various traveling motives, exploring the relevance between the degree of satisfaction and the desire for revisit. Convenience sampling was adopted with 600 questionnaires sent out and 477 valid ones retrieved. The statistic analysis was conducted through the descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression, and Pearson product-moment correlation. As to the traveling motives, the findings of this research show that the main push factor for tourists visiting Taiwan from Mainland China and Japan is to “experience a different life style” while “visiting famous scenic spots for culture and history” is the pull one. The research also found that significant differences can be observed among the traveling motives of these tourists, from Mainland China and Japan, with diverse nationalities, sexes, ages, and occupations. Regarding the degree of satisfaction, tourists from Mainland China and Japan have higher degree of satisfaction towards “tour guides’ service attitudes”, “tour guides’ professional knowledge and skills”, and “tour guides’ narration level”. Seventy percent of tourists have said they were satisfied or extremely satisfied. Likewise, the research found that significant differences can be observed among the degree of satisfaction of these tourists, from Mainland China and Japan, with diverse nationalities, sexes, ages, and occupations. Moreover, the research also shows that two variables, expenses of visiting Taiwan and traveling experiences, are significantly related to the degree of satisfaction concerning “language communication”, “accommodation”, “transportation”, “beaches”, “tour guides”, “hygiene and sanitization”, and “prices”. Various personality factors of the tourists coming from Mainland China and Japan are as well highly related to the traveling push factors, such as “enhancing interpersonal relationship”, “pursuing prestige”, “exploring knowledge”, “relaxation/ stimulation”, and “exercises/ adventures”. It is also remarkably related to the traveling pull factors such as “entertainment/ expenses”, “traveling quality”, “scenery/ natural resources”, and “high-tech image”. What’s more, the research also found that the various personality factors of tourists coming from Mainland China and Japan have significant relevance with the degree of satisfaction about “language communication”, “accommodation”, “transportation”, “travel agencies”, “beaches”, “tour guides”, “hygiene and sanitization”, “people’s attitudes” , “restaurants and shopping places”, “entertainment and equipment”, and “prices”. Strong correlations can also be observed, among tourists from Mainland China and Japan, between the traveling motives and the degree of satisfaction as well as the degree of satisfaction and the desire for revisit. It is hoped that this research can provide some references in promotion policies of Taiwan’s tourism for relevant government authorities and travel agencies and help the public further understand the traveling behavior of tourists from Mainland China and Japan.


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