  • 學位論文


Development of an SOPC-Based Remotely Controlled Vehicle

指導教授 : 陳世旺


本文利用高靈活性、高整合性的SOPC系統做為控制核心發展一遙控車輛。此一車輛能透過無線的方式接收遠端控制者下達的指令,接收到的指令經由SOPC發展板的序列傳輸介面(UART)傳達至控制核心,接著在控制核心進行解碼的動作,解碼後的指令再分別傳送至伺服馬達及步進馬達控制模組進行脈波指令的傳送,最後這些控制馬達轉動的脈波指令再透過馬達驅動介面驅動馬達,使遙控車產生轉彎、行進的動作。而此一遙控車輛對於控制前輪轉彎的動作使用了伺服馬達作為驅動裝置,控制後輪使車輛行進的動作則是使用步進馬達,因此在控制方法上也使用了不同的方式。 在完成了遙控車的建立後,我們也做了車輛變換車道的路徑規劃,用以驗證此一車輛整體架構的可行性及了解遙控車的受控程度。在這裡我們也考慮了在車輛進行變換車道時可能發生碰撞的原因,因而設立了避免碰撞的規則。


遙控車 SOPC 路徑規劃


In this thesis, a remotely controlled vehicle system is developed based on SOPC (System On a Programmable Chip) design. It uses the Nios software kernel in the SOPC development board to control the vehicle system. The vehicle can receive the command sent by a remote user, and go to the place he orders. The system uses a servo motor to control the two front wheels for turning, and stepper motor to drive the two rear wheels. Different methods are used to control these two type of motion. The operation of the vehicle system is tested by studying its actions to a command to change lanes. Numerous experiments have been performed to determine if the vehicle moves as directed. Of particular interest is under what conditions the vehicle might crash while changing lanes and how to avoid collisions.


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