  • 學位論文


The study of surrealism Style on Three-Dimensional animation

指導教授 : 張柏舟


中文摘要 二十世紀現代藝術的發展運動中,沒有一支團體像超現實主義般結合文學、心理學、藝術、政治等於一身,超現實主義的形成目的在於化解存在於夢境與現實間的衝突,以達到一種絕對的真實,因而聚合了不同的理念,同時接納各種迥異的技法組合,在不斷追求原始衝動與意象釋放之下,擴大物體與視象間的生存可變性,營造出暴露自我潛在殘跡的幻想世界。 超現實主義對現代藝術的發展影響至深,其演化的領域與衍生物既寬廣又複雜。某種意義言,我們甚至可將任何一種強調心靈主題或以主觀為優先考量的藝術作品,均稱其為受到超現實主義的影響。此外,超現實主義已成為一種深入人心的表現語言,以及於今天任何的藝術、文學、電影作品,只要它是解體的、幻覺的或是不連貫的,均可能會被歸類為「超現實」。超現實主義強調的是去過超現實主義的生活,其所著眼的集體性與互動性,已徹底打破了個人與大眾、藝術家與觀眾之間的藩籬。超現實主義其實已很難用現代藝術所定義的傳統分類,而將之僅歸類為一連串「主義」其中的一種。就超現實主義運動的發展情形言,其滲透擴散力已遠超過了布里東當初所強調的「精神重於風格」。 本研究歸納分析出超現實主義風格的作品的特色,列舉出十二種超現實風格中常見的表現手法並結合3D動畫的影像有它異於傳統的美感,不管是物體的造型、材質、光線、空間、動態等等,無不展現其嶄新的美感特質。3D創作及動畫已成為今日電腦創作發展的主流,隨著電腦功能的大量提升,電腦不再只是藝術創作的工具,更是前所未有、功能強大的媒材,正如3D電腦動畫不但涉及傳統的長與寬的問題,更可以處理深度與時間的四次元問題。3D電腦動畫就是它可盡最大的極限,利用人類的智慧、透過巧思,運用媒體工具完美的呈現在你的眼前不需思考就可以馬上透過電腦動畫的魔力將你的感官世界帶領到另一個時空的虛幻時空機器!正是與超現實主義所追尋的美麗新境界。 從研究分析出3D創作及動畫獨特媒材的特質;並結合以人文為主的超現實藝術風格的創作題材,藉由以三度空間的3D動畫的手法技巧,進而發展出創新思維及手法新穎的作品風格。是本研究論文的主要內容。


風格 超現實主義 蒙太奇 3D動畫


Abstract Among the modern artistic movements of the twentieth century, surrealism is a unique combination of literature, psychology, art and politics. It aims to resolve the conflicts between dreams and realities in order to attain absolute concrete truths. So it synthesizes various ideas and diverse skills, emancipating natural impetus and imaginative abilities. In addition, it broadens vision and horizon to show forth the suppressed imaginary world of self and ego. Surrealism makes a profound impact on modern art, while its evolution is unimaginable. In a sense, under the influence of surrealism, the artistic works of this school is centered on mind or subjectivity. In addition, surrealism is a kind of language, which finds its expression in modern art, literature, and films, which are deconstructed, inconsistent, and hallucinatory. And because surrealism stresses interaction and collective consciousness, it eliminates the distance between individuals and the public, between artists and the audience. Judging from these, it’s difficult for modern critics or theorists to clearly define the “surrealism.” In terms of its development, its influence can not be confined in Andre’s saying, that is, “mentality is more important than style.” This study points out, according to the features of surrealist artistic works, twelve ways of expression combined with the images of three-dimensional animation. This kind of expressing way, aesthetically speaking, is untraditional, showing forth the unmatched aesthetic quality in terms of outer shape, material quality, light, space, etc. Three-dimensional creation and animation have turned out to be the mainstream of computer-designing artistic works. With the rapid progress of computer science, computers are not only tools of creating art but also powerful, brand new medium. Besides tackling the traditional skill of depicting length and width, three-dimensional computer animation can deal with the technique of expressing depth and time consciousness. The three-dimensional computer animation can use human wisdom, skills, and medium to lead the audience to a magic, simulacrum world. How wonderful the new imaginary new world is! The study is designed to analyze the features of three-dimensional creation and animation’s medium function, and to use surrealistic style and the unique skills of portraying three-dimensional animation to express the special styles of new thinking and strategies.


stlye Surrealism Montage Tree-dimenional animation


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