  • 學位論文


The establishment of socialization process model of motivational regulation for junior high students and an empirical study of the effects of motivational regulation teaching program on science performance

指導教授 : 毛國楠博士


本研究的目的有三:(一)探討並統整社會動機理論與動機調整理論,建構「國中學生動機調整社會化歷程模式」,並考驗其適配度。(二)考驗本研究者所設計的「動機調整策教學方案」對國中八年級學生動機調整策略的效果。(三)考驗本研究者所設計的「動機調整教學方案」對國中八年級學生理化科學習成就的效果。 為完成前述研究目的,本研究進行研究一和研究二,共兩個研究。所使用的工具包括:家庭經驗量表、學校經驗量表、同儕經驗量表、動機調整策略量表、理化科第一次、第二次和第三次成就測驗,以及「快樂魔法教室」光碟和學習手冊等。 在研究一裡,本研究者首先提出一個以理化科為特定領域,包含家庭經驗、學校經驗、同儕經驗、動機調整策略、和理化科學習成就等五個成份的「動機調整社會化歷程模式」,並以臺灣地區北、中、南三區共609名國中八年級學生為研究對象。蒐集所得的資料先以PRELRS2.50版統計套裝軟體進行多變項常態分配假設的考驗,再使用LISREL8.50版統計套裝軟體,以一般加權最小平方法( generally weighted least –squares ,WLS )進行模式參數的估計。結果發現初始模式無法合理解釋國中學生的動機調整社會化歷程。因此,本研究再進行模式的修改,並重新對修改後的模式進行參數估計。修正的結果發現除了易受樣本數影響的卡方考驗外,在基本適配度、整體模式適配度和模式內在結構適配度等方面,都顯示出良好的適配度指數。然而本修正模式是經過數次模式再界定的過程而得的,未來應再以其他觀察資料進行本模式的考驗,以探討模式通則化的可能性。 研究二主要目的在教導國中學生科學學習動機調整的各種重要策略,並探討動機調整教學方案對國中生動機調整和理化學業成就的效果。在動機調整的效果研究方面,本研究採2(實驗組、控制組)× 2(前測、後測)受試者間、受試者內混合設計來考驗動機調整策略的教學效果。受試者來自台北市文山區景興國中共154名的八年級學生,其中實驗組78人,控制組76人。所蒐集的資料以二因子混合設計變異數分析進行考驗。實驗組接受十二週,共27小時的「動機調整教學方案」,控制組則不接受任何實驗處理,只接受一般綜合活動的教學。 在學業成就的效果評估方面,研究二另採準實驗設計,蒐集兩組受試第一次、第二次及期末理化科成就測驗的成績,做為本研究之前測(共變量)、中測和後測的依變量。研究結果發現實驗處理六週後,兩組受試者在理化科成就測驗的中測(第二次段考)表現上沒有差異。但在十二週的「動機調整教學方案」結束後,立即實施後測(理化期末考),發現實驗組和控制組在理化科的學業成就表現有顯著差異。這顯示本研究者所設計的「動機調整教學方案」之各種成份可以透過長期且有計劃的教學方式教給國中學生,而且也支持動機調整策略對提升國中學生理化科成績有不錯的促進效果。 最後,研究者針對研究結果加以討論,且提出幾點建議,做為學習輔導、親職教育以及未來研究的參考。


The purposes of this study were to: (1)explore and integrate social motivation model and motivational regulation theory , and construct the Socialization Process Model of Motivational Regulation for Junior High School Students (2) to evaluate the quality of aforemodification model with empricial data (3) to evaluate the effects of Motivational Regulation Teaching Program (MRTR, for short) developed by the author. In order to accomplish these purposes, the whole study was divided into study Ⅰ, and Ⅱ. The instruments employed in this study include: Family Experience Inventory, School Experience Inventory, Peers Experience Inventory, Intristic Motivation Regulation Inventory, Extrinsic Motivation Regulation Inventory, Emotion Regulation Inventory, Volition control Inventory, Environment Resource Management Inventory, Defensive Strategy Inventory, and Science Achievements Tests. In study Ⅰ, the researcher proposed the Motivational Regulation Socialization Process Model which included the components of family experience, school experience, peers experience, motivational regulation, and science performance , and then verified the goodness of fit of the motivational regulation socialization process. The Participants were 609 eighth-grade students from nineteen junior high schools in Taiwan northern, central and southern area. The researcher first tested of acquired data the hypothesis of multivariate normality distribution with PRELES 2.50 and then estimated the parameters of model by means of generally weighted least –squares( WLS ) with LISREL 8.50. The result showed that the initial model could not give a good account of the motivational regulation socialization process for high school students, and the statistic results did not seem reasonable, either. Therefore, the researcher revised the model, and evaluated the parameters of the revised model. After revision, the evaluation results showed that the Motivational Regulation Socialization Process Model of Science Performance for Junior high school students showed good fit index in preliminary, overall, and internal structure model fit criteria. Though the process of model generation, however, has been revised, the model should be tested with other observation data in future, to see if the model could further be generalized. In Study Ⅱ, the researcher first designed a motivational regulation teaching program and examined the effects of the program. The subjects were selected from an junior high school in Taipei City. They were students of eighth grade and were randomly assigned to the experimental group or control group. The experimental group received twelve units( 27 hours ) MRTP( which was named Happy Magic Lessons in the study)developed by the present author, while the control group just received general instruction. In Study Ⅱ, the researcher adopted 2 (treatment) × 2 (statge) pretest-posttest experimental design. Four instruments were used in this study. They were Happy Magic Lesson Disks, worksheets, Science Achievements Tests and Motivation Regulation Inventory (which included Intristic Motivation Regulation Inventory, Extrinsic Motivation Regulation Inventory, Emotion Regulation Inventory, Volition control Inventory, Environment Resource Management Inventory, and Defensive Pessimism Strategy Inventory).Both of two groups were administred the pre-test one week before the experimental teaching, and the post-test one week after the experimental teaching. The results showed that the MRTP could promote motivation regulation of the experimental group.The experimental group performed better than the control group in the majority of motivation regulation variables on the post-test .But the experimental group did not find differences in aforementioned variables on the post-test. In addition, both of two groups were administered the per-test(the first mothly examination ) one week before the experimental treatment , the mid-test ( the second mothly examination ) six weeks after the experimental teaching, and the final test ( the third mothly examination ) one week after the experimental teaching. The obtained data on the Science achievements were analyzed by one-way Covariate statistics to test the MRTR performance progress effect on the second mothly examination score and the third mothly examination score . The findings were as follow: 1.There was no significant effect on the second mothly examination score. 2.The MRTP made the experimental group and control group significantly different on the third mothly examination score. To sum, based on the results of study Ⅰand Ⅱ, the effects of Motivational Regulation teaching program is supported mostly. The researcher also provided a discussion on the results of the study and some suggestions about the program. Some recommendations have made regarding instructional assistance ,parent education and future research. Key words: motivational regulation 、self-regulation 、 social motivation 、science learning




