  • 學位論文


The Prose Development and Culture Changes in Taiwan during Qing-ruling Period

指導教授 : 莊萬壽


台灣清治時期散文的題材多敘述文化現象或社會議題,呈現文學與文化之間的密切關聯;所以將散文發展與文化變遷作一互文性的分析,可說是有其必然性。散文與文化的研究所牽涉的議題廣闊,目前仍有多處的學術空白,是一亟待開拓的學術領域。為初步積累台灣清治時期散文史與文化史的基礎研究,本論文廣泛蒐集台灣文獻叢刊、台灣清治時期檔案及碑文、臺灣先賢詩文集或作家手稿等作為研究素材。在解讀文本的過程中,著重分析文學與文化的關聯,以及歷史經驗與脈絡的理解;並應用各領域的研究成果,或訪問在地文人的宗親後代,以加深作品內涵的詮釋。由於台灣清治時期散文的發展與外緣因素有密切關聯,所以第二章先分析散文的發展條件。在第三、四、五章的主要架構上,則先探討各期散文發展大勢,再選擇與各階段文化現象相呼應的散文題材,作為文本分析依據的主軸。 清治前期(1683-1795)台灣初納入清版圖,來台文人一方面記錄實地見聞;同時也懷著想像與好奇的心態,對台灣這個新的「邊陲」之地,以旅遊書寫的形式來表現。所以本文藉由詮釋此階段大量出現的旅遊巡視題材,以呈顯清治前期散文的特色。清治中期(1796-1866)則就社會教化的層面來詮釋散文的文化意涵。此期在地士紳與遊宦文人擔任書院講席,或參與公共建設與編纂方志,以及社會救濟的情形已漸普遍。清治後期(1867-1895)通商港埠陸續開放後,文人常直率發表對政經局勢的評論,及對文化變遷的省思;故專就議論時事的散文題材,評析這些論述的文化意義。 散文的內容與形式多相互依存,為鑑賞散文的藝術特質,故先探討意象與主旨的關聯及其審美效用。並分析各類文體的寫作特質,以及字辭、典故或句式與節奏所呈顯的美感。再鑑賞散文的布局。在書寫風格方面,則以旅遊書寫之間相比較,的社會教化書寫;以呈顯議論時事書寫的特色。期望經由文本的爬梳及歷史脈絡的對話,能增進對台灣文學與文化關聯的理解;同時藉由主體性的詮釋,以加深對這塊土地的情感。也期待更多的研究者參與灌溉這個學術領域,在過去與現在不斷的對話中,逐漸開出辛勤耕耘的成果。


The subject matters of prose in Taiwan during Qing-ruling period mostly described the cultural circumstances and social issues, which presented a close connection between literature and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to have an inter-literary analysis of prose development and cultural changes. The issues that are involved in both prose and cultural studies are very broad. Currently there are numerous scholastic realms left blank, these scholastic realms urgently need to be developed. In order to accumulate a basis research of prose history and cultural history in Taiwan during the Qing-ruling period, this essay has expansively collected Taiwanese documents and series of books, files and inscriptions in Taiwan during the Qing-ruling period, along with virtuous Taiwanese poetry and article collections and hand drafts, etc. as research materials. During the process of understanding the documents, analyzing the connection between literature and culture was stressed as well as the understanding of the historical experiences and sequences of events. Moreover, the results from the various realms of the research were applied along with field visits to the relatives or later generations of the local scholars, in order to enhance the content explanations of this essay. Since there was a close relationship between the prose development and outer factors in Taiwan during Qing-ruling period; therefore, this research will first analyze the developing qualifications of prose in Chapter II. In regards to the primary structures of Chapter III, IV and V, this research will first discuss the developing conditions of prose in each period, and then select the prose subjects that go along with the cultural conditions of each stage as the primary, accordance to documentation analysis. During the beginning period of Qing ruling (1683-1795), Taiwan was first brought into Qing territory. The scholars who came to Taiwan on one hand recorded what they had seen and heard here, and on the other hand they were simultaneously full of curiosity and imagination towards Taiwan, this new “ border” land so they expressed their knowledge in the formation of a tour guide. Therefore, this essay will present clearly the features of prose in the beginning period of Qing ruling by explaining a great deal of materials pertaining traveling and inspection-tour subjects. This research will explore the areas of social education to explain the cultural meaning of prose which existed during the middle period of Qing ruling, during (1796-1866). During this period it was already common for the local gentlemen and traveling scholars to hold lectures in the classical academy or participate in public constructions along with editing local chronicles and social welfare commentaries. In the latter period of Qing ruling (1867-1895), the scholars oftentimes expressed their critiques about politics and economics directly along with considerations towards cultural changes after the continual openness of trading ports; therefore, this research implements prose materials as current-affair discussions to evaluate and analyze the cultural meanings of these expositions. The body and formations of prose mostly co-exist. In order to appreciate the artistic qualities, one has to first discuss the connection of the visions along with the thesis and the aesthetic effects in analyzing the writing characteristics of every font that is beautifully portrayed by the rhythm and forms of each word, allusion or sentence. Furthermore, one appreciates the overall arrangements of the prose. Regarding the writing styles, the features are the comparison among the traveling writings, writing of the social education and distinguishing the writing for discussing the current events. It is hoped to increase the understanding towards the connection of literatures and cultures in Taiwan through the scrambling of the essay and the historical sequences, and at the same time to deepen the feelings towards this land through the explanations of the whole body. Nevertheless, it is even expected to have more researchers to participate in irrigating this scholastic realms and gradually blossoming with the fruit gained by hard laboring through the continual conversation between the past and the present.


Lin, T. M. (2009). 對鶯歌瓷仔用語來探討台灣常民文化 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315152472
