  • 學位論文

大學社團參與經驗對其畢業後生涯發展影響之研究 - 以東吳大學畢業生為例

The Impact of Participation Experience in College Student Organizations on Alumni’s Career Development – A Case Study on Soochow University Alumni

指導教授 : 黃玉


大學社團參與經驗對其畢業後生涯發展影響之研究 - 以東吳大學畢業生為例 摘 要 本研究旨在探討大學畢業生大學時期參與社團活動的經驗對畢業後生涯發展的影響,本研究的研究問題為:大學社團參與的歷程與內涵為何?大學社團參與經驗對心理社會、認知發展的影響與改變為何?大學畢業生畢業後生涯發展歷程為何?社團參與經驗對生涯決策、所需能力與生活素養的影響為何?對學生參與社團及學校輔導社團的具體建議為何? 本研究採用質性方法之個案研究,以立意取樣方式,透過半結構式的深度訪談,選取六位東吳大學90年代曾參與社團之畢業生做為研究參與者。採用三角檢正、參與者檢核、同儕審視、厚實敘寫,並與研究參與者建立信任互賴關係,以建立信實度。研究結果如下: 一、大學社團參與的歷程與內涵 (一)大學社團參與的歷程 1.國、高中的社團活動經驗及興趣、社團的氣氛、獲得情感歸屬、與主修領域結合或是社團參與可補學業學習之不足、社團具有發展性又真正獲得學習、滿足自我實現的成就感是參加社團的主要動機。 2.六位研究參與者在大學時期分別有3-4年的校內外社團參與經歷。 3.面對卸下社團領導人的角色轉換,有人因為生活頓失重心無法適應,但也有角色轉換順利並已開始思考未來生涯發展。 (二)大學社團參與的內涵 1.社團活動特色深受90年代當時時代背景、教育部與學校政策影響。 2.參與不同屬性社團,發展出不同領導風格與角色扮演,包括:分工授權式領導、人際救火式領導、運用組織概念的人性化管理、刻板化性別角色分工、善用女性特質的協調式領導與權威式領導。 3.參與社團表現傑出,不僅在學校創辦大型活動或創立新社團,並獲得社團獎學金或相關榮耀。 4.參與社團若做好時間規劃並與主修領域結合,能在社團與學業間取得平衡,增加學習效果;但若花太多時間在社團,會影響學業成績。 二、大學社團參與經驗對心理社會、認知發展的影響與改變 (一)對心理社會發展的影響與改變:藝術鑑賞與思考能力提升;時間規劃得宜,學業學習能力提升;創意、溝通、負責任與領導能力的培養;待人處事人際能力增進;壓力調適與排除負向情緒的能力增強;從依賴、競爭、自主到與他人互賴的關係;容忍與尊重不同意見,維持親密人際關係;從缺乏自信到自我肯定,獲得自我實現的滿足與成就感;從迷惘到設定目標勇於達成,並走向自我承諾。 (二)認知發展影響與改變的歷程:大部分研究參與者從參與社團到卸下領導人後,認知發展由絕對認知階段到過渡認知階段,最後發展到獨立認知階段。 三、大學畢業生畢業後生涯發展歷程 六位研究參與者畢業後的生涯發展包含了繼續深造、參加不同類型考試、服兵役、就業、婚姻等。 四、社團參與經驗對生涯決策、所需能力與生活素養的影響 (一)對生涯決策的影響:成為再進修的動力或助力;影響再進修學科領域之選擇;就業的選擇或是進入職場的加分效果;影響戀愛或婚姻;提升面對挑戰的自信心與執行力。 (二)對生涯發展所需能力的影響:企劃、創意與執行力;情緒管理、溝通協調與團隊領導能力;圓融人際關係與人脈組織能力;穩健的台風與擅於表達的能力;勇於面對挫折與挑戰;具判斷力與膽識;勇於承擔責任的態度;充滿熱情的個性。 (三)對生活素養的影響:對學校與同儕建立起深厚的感情,樂意為他人付出;社團培養的興趣持續延伸;勇於追求理想與表達意見;保持開放的學習態度;成立民間社團或文教基金會;認真負責與積極正向的態度。 五、對學生參與社團及學校輔導社團的具體建議 (一)對學生參與社團的建議:全心投入享受社團;妥善規劃時間管理,取得學業與社團平衡;投入社團前謹慎選擇;若社團不佳可以打工為替代方案。 (二)對學校輔導社團的建議:軟硬體資源的提升;給予社團適度發展空間;將社團列為必修學分;主動協助社團運用資源;鼓勵社團閱讀;媒合社團與外界合作;持續聘用充滿熱情的課外活動組老師。 本研究根據上述結果與發現,針對教育行政主管機關、大學學校政策、東吳大學輔導政策及大學生參與社團提出具體建議,也對進一步研究提出建議。 關鍵字:社團參與經驗、生涯發展、心理社會發展、認知發展、生活素養


The Impact of Participation Experience in College Student Organizations on Alumni’s Career Development – A Case Study on Soochow University Alumni Ya-Yen Lu Abstract The purpose of this research was to explore the impact of participation experience in college student organizations on alumni’s career development. The research questions included: what are the process and content of participation in college student organizations? What are the impacts of participation experience in college student organizations on the psychosocial development and cognitive development? What are the processes of career development after graduating from college? What are the impacts of participation in college student organizations on career decision-making, career skills and life competence? What are the recommendations to student participation in college student organizations and the policy of school in advising student groups? The research was a qualitative case study by means of semi-structured in-depth interview. Through purposive sampling, six Soochow University alumni, who had involved themselves in student organizations during their college year from 1990 to 1999, had been selected as research participants. For establishment of the trustworthiness, the methods of triangulation, member check, peer reviewing, thick description, and developing trust relationship with participants were employed. The findings of the research are: 1.The process and the content of participation in college student organizations: (1) The process of participation in college student organizations: a. The major motivation for the research participants to join the student organizations in college include: previous experiences in junior or high school student organizations and personal interests; the social climate of the student organizations; the sense of belonging; the relatedness to their school majors, which can complement the academic study, prospects of the organization; and the sense of accomplishment through practical learning and self-realization. b. Six participants have 3 to 4 years of participation experiences either inside or outside the school in college student organizations during their college period. c. Facing the transformation from the role as leaders after leaving the student organizations, some alumni are difficult to adapt themselves to normal life; however, others can transform their role successfully and start to think about future career development. (2) The content of participation in college student organizations: a. Student organizations in the 1990s are strongly characterized by the historical context, the policy of Ministry of Education and the school. b. Six participants develop different forms of leadership, which include: duty allocation and delegation; seeking assistance using the leader's personal connections; organizational human management; duty allocation by gender’s stereotype; female characteristics co-ordination leadership; and authority leadership. c. The participants perform outstandingly in student organizations during the college, such as organizing significant on-campus events, or founding new student organizations, are rewarded with scholarships or other forms of honor. d. Balance between the student organizations and the academic learning can be achieved through good time management and relatedness to their majors. However, over-participation in the student organizations leads to downgrade of academic performance. 2. The impacts of participation experience in college student organizations on the psychosocial development and cognitive development: (1) The impacts on the psychosocial development: Improves appreciation ability of arts and reasonability; has higher academic learning ability through better time management; develops creativity, communication skills, responsibility and leadership; upgrades interpersonal competence; strengthens stress and negative-emotion management; moves through dependence, competition and autonomy toward interdependence; develops the capacity to interpersonal tolerance and appreciation of differences and maintain intimate interpersonal relationships; moves from lack of self-assurance to self-confidence; develops the sense of accomplishment through self-realization; and moves from being confused to goal establishment, as well as achieves self-commitment. (2) The impacts on the cognitive development: Most participants in this research come through the stage of Absolute Knowing, to the stage of Transitional Knowing, and finally arrive at the stage of Independent Knowing. 3. The processes of career development after graduating from college: The processes of career developments of six participants include: continue advanced study; participate in professional tests; do military services; get jobs and get married, etc. 4. The impacts of participation in college student organizations on career decision-making, career skills and life competence: (1) The influences on career decision-making: The experience becomes a motivation and a support for advanced study; influences the selecting of area of advanced study; becomes an encouragement for selecting and provide extra skills for certain job; it also influences personal love relationship and marriage; helps build up self-confidence against challenges, and the ability of carrying through plans. (2) The impacts on career skills: The experience helps improve the ability to plan, to create, and to execute plans; as well as it helps improve emotion management, communication, and leadership; it helps to develop interpersonal skills and social network; it also helps to improve the ability to express oneself or give a public speech; develops the ability to face failures and challenges; has the ability to judge with courage; and it encourages a sense of responsibility and the passion in the individual. (3) The influences on life competence: The experience helps to develop sentiments with the school and bonding with the peers; be willing to give others; extends and develops personal hobbies, which comes from college student organizations; develops the courage to pursue one’s visions and to express opinions; has an open mind to learn; motivates the founding of social organizations or educational foundations; and develops the attitude of responsibility and positive thinking. 5. The recommendations to student participation in college student organizations and the policy of school in advising student groups: (1) The recommendations to student participation in college student organizations: students can totally involve themselves in and enjoy the student organizations while having good time management to remain balance between the organizations and the academic study; before participating, students should make a careful selection; a part time job can be an alternative if the student organizations are not beneficial. (2) The recommendations to the policy of school in advising student groups: upgrades both the hardware and software resources; develops an adequate relationship between the school and student organizations; considers making the“student organizations management”to be a required course; helps the organizations utilize the school resources; helps the student organizations cooperate with the outside resources; encourages reading; continues to the employments of extra-curricular guidance staff, who are care of the students. Based on the results and findings of this research, recommendations to the Ministry of Education, college policies, advising policies at the Soochow University, and college students’ participation in student organizations are proposed. The suggestions to the further research are also presented. Keywords: the participation experience in college student organization; career development; psychosocial development; cognitive development; life competence.




