  • 學位論文


A Study of Curriculum Plan for Aborigionals' Skills Training Program in High School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊謙本


本研究旨在探討高中職校原住民藝能專班課程規劃之現況,與原住民藝能專班學生對該課程的接受度。 問卷調查的對象為原住民藝能班三年級全部學生與部分畢業校友。因採普測方式,故回收率達100%。但因各校原住民藝能專班課程規劃皆不相同,故僅做各校個別分析。問卷調查係針對「普通課程」、「藝術文化課程」、「專門課程」、「課外活動」、「未來進路、生涯規劃」、「整體課程」的接受度等六個構面進行調查。 此外,為瞭解高中職校原住民藝能專班課程規劃之現況,乃針對各校課程規劃人員,進行深度訪談。訪談內容以「原住民藝能專班」課程規劃的「理念」、「實施」、「成效」為主要內容。經分析後發現以下主要結論: 一、各校原住民藝能專班課程規劃人員均由學校行政人員主導,並邀請藝文教師與專家學者參與,但對邀請社區代表的參與方面,則視地區而異。 二、就教育部頒訂「原住民藝能專班實施要點」之目標:以「計畫性藝術專長培育,使其充分發展潛能」而言,各校課程規劃之目標均已明顯達到。 三、各校原住民舞蹈課程,透過原住民學生對舞蹈的天賦及舞蹈藝術人才的充沛,均呈現豐碩的成果。 四、課外活動是提供原住民了解自己文化,建立民族自信心、培養民族認同的有效方式。 五、藝術文化課程師資缺乏,因鐘點費偏低。 六、學生對「普通課程」的接受度偏低。 七、「藝術文化課程」是所有課程中接受度最高的課程。 本研究並提出對主管教育行政機關、學校行政、課程實施人員及後續研究的建議。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the curriculum design of aboriginal skill training program in high schools and to analysis the students’ attitude towards the current curriculums. All third grade students in the aboriginal skill training program and some graduated alumnus of every nominated high school were selected to answer questionnaire. Every skill training program was analyzed by six facets as the acceptability of general curriculum, art curriculum, professional curriculum, extracurricular activities, future career plan and overall attitude about the curriculum. Besides, a depth interview was conducted to understand current situation of curriculum plan for aboriginal skills training program in nominated high schools. Three facets including concept, implementation, and effectiveness of aboriginal skills training program were collected through visiting interview. The conclusions were as the following: 1. All curriculum planning were took lead by administrative personnel, some arts teachers and experts were invited as advisors for curriculum design. But the community representatives were seldom invited to take part in curriculum design. 2. Most schools reach the goal of aboriginal skills training program setup by the Ministry of Education, especially for developing students’ talent of art. 3. Every school gain rich fruits on aboriginal dancing curriculum because of aboriginal students’ talent for dancing. 4. The extracurricular activity is an effective way to provide aboriginals understand their own culture, build up the self-confidence and identification in the nation. 5. The teacher source of art curriculum is deficient for low salary. 6. "General curriculum" is the most dislike subjects among all courses by students. 7. Most aboriginal students like “arts curriculum” the most. Some suggestions were made for educational officer, school administrators and curriculum designers in this research in addition to future research hints.




