  • 學位論文


The Impacts of EFL Extensive Reading on Junior High School Students in Taiwan-Language Proficiency, Reading Attitudes and Reactions to the ER Program

指導教授 : 朱錫琴博士


本研究旨在探討廣泛英語閱讀對於台灣國中生英語能力和閱讀態度上的影響及學生們對其之回饋。研究時間為一學期的四個月。參與本研究的學生為七十三位就讀新竹市某市立國中二年級的兩班學生。兩班各分為實驗組和對照組。實驗組每週利用一堂英文課及二天的早自修時間進行廣泛英語閱讀活動,而對照組則維持原來的上課方式,在相同時間進行單元課程統整活動及書面練習。兩組學生於實驗前後分別接受語言測驗並填寫一份探討英語閱讀態度的問卷以作為前後測的成績。在實驗結束時,實驗組全部學生再填寫一份回饋問卷,之後並隨機挑選十位同學進行深度訪談。 研究結果顯示:實驗組和對照組在英語能力的進步方面並無顯著差異,然而在整體態度的改變上,二組呈現顯著差異。具體地說,本實驗結果指出實驗組和對照組在五方面的態度上有明顯的差異。第一,普遍而言,實驗組在英語閱讀書籍中汲取樂趣的表現上比控制組進步的多;第二, 實驗組相信閱讀課外英語書籍能激發學習動機的信念進步更大;第三,實驗組對於學校實施廣泛英語閱讀的可行性信念更增強許多;第四,實驗組對廣泛英語閱讀的重要性有更高的評價;第五, 實驗組的自主性閱讀課外英語書籍也提高更多。未來即使沒有師長的督促,學生仍會嚐試去閱讀課外英語書籍。又,回饋問卷顯示有百分之八十六的學生表達喜歡本實驗課程。雖然,在廣泛英語閱讀過程中會遭遇到字彙量缺乏、專有名詞及文化背景差異等困難,但學生們在獨立閱讀的時候,並不會依賴字典,反而學會由封面、標題、插圖及上下文來推測文句及故事內容,甚至主動請教同儕、老師或暫時忽略, 並持續閱讀以期在後文發現解答。概括而言,本研究顯示國中學生對廣泛英語閱讀活動表示喜歡,而且期望能將其納入學校正式課程的學習。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of extensive reading on EFL junior high students’ language proficiency and attitudes toward reading in English and their reaction to an extensive reading program over a 20-week period. Participants included 73 eighth-grade students in a junior high school in Hsinchu City. They were divided into two groups: the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). The former group spent one hour of class period and two half hours of morning session doing extensive reading every week, while the latter group continued doing review exercises and practice regarding the target lesson in the textbook. All the participants took a language proficiency test before and after the program. They also responded to pre and post Attitude Questionnaires. A Reaction Questionnaire was given to students from the experimental group only and later ten students were interviewed at random when the extensive reading program approached its end. Data were collected from multiple sources, including outcomes of language proficiency tests, questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The results of this study showed that students from the experimental group were not significantly different from the control group in their improvement in language proficiency. However, significant difference was found in the overall attitude change between the two groups. Specifically, this study showed the significant differences in inter-group gains after treatment in the following attitudes. First, on average, EG had a greater gain than CG in having pleasure from reading English books. Second, EG gained more in the belief that reading non-textbooks could motivate English learning. Third, EG increased more belief in the feasibility of extensive reading programs at high school. Fourth, EG had a higher gain in the rating of importance of extensive reading. Last but not least, EG gained a higher degree of readiness to read non-textbooks independently. In addition, the Reaction Questionnaire showed that 86 percent of students liked the extensive reading program. The major problems faced by the students during the extensive reading process centered on limited vocabulary, foreign terms and different cultures. However, they finally came up with different strategies to get the meaning in independent reading. Commonly used strategies included guessing based on the book cover, illustration or the context, asking help from peers or teachers, and sometimes temporary negligence for later discovery. In general, most students from the experimental group concurred that they liked the extensive reading activity and favorably expected it to be implemented to the school syllabus.




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