  • 學位論文


Habermas’ intersubjective discourse of the communicative action and the educational enlightenment

指導教授 : 溫明麗


摘要 本研究旨在深入探討互為主體性概念,希望能掌握互為主體性概念之深刻意涵。透過研究互為主體性論述與二十世紀哲學發展趨勢之關係,確立了二十世紀哲學的「互為主體性轉向」。並且藉由探討互為主體性的論述取向-「認識論取向」、「存有論取向」、「語言學取向」,選擇胡塞爾(認識論)、海德格(存有論)與阿佩爾(語言學)等學者之深入討論,論證哈伯瑪斯溝通行動之互為主體性論述作為上述論述取向之批判性繼承,換言之,即為哈伯瑪斯對「互為主體性概念之重建」。 在界定哈伯瑪斯互為主體性概念之意含後,本研究進一步針對哈伯瑪斯溝通行動相關論述-「哈伯瑪斯視野下的主體性與互為主體性之關係」、「溝通行動與溝通合理性」、「個人發展與社會演化」、「互為主體性對後形上學思想與現代性哲學所提供之意義」,探討哈伯瑪斯運用互為主體性概念在他的溝通行動相關論述之哲學與社會學運用。 最後,綜合前述研究,探討哈伯瑪斯溝通行動之互為主體性論述對於我國學校行政體系之對立現象所提出的教育啟示。 針對本研究上述脈絡,提出以下研究發現: 一、互為主體性概念之界定 互為主體性概念同時包含「本體論」(存有論)、「認識論」與「價值論」特徵,並以「關係」、「態度」與「責任」三個條件作為其判準,茲界定如下: 互為主體性體現在以主體-主體的對等關係為前提,所共構的溝通共同體,以語言溝通為中介的理想溝通共同體,蘊含著主體間的相互尊重、肯認態度與對話主體自身責任的承擔,並有助於一致性與客觀性之相互理解或共識。 二、哈伯瑪斯溝通行動之互為主體性論述的教育啟示(針對學校行政體系之 對立衝突現象) (一)教育行政主管機關與學校之間的關係應該超越既有的主客階層關係,建立在對等、相互尊重的關係前提下才有彼此設身處地的可 能。 (二)教育行政主管機關與學校之間政策的型塑與合理化不應該單 方面的認定,在執行歷程中也允許納入政策修正之可能。 (三)學校行政體系的合理化應建立在互為主體的溝通合理性之上,學校行政體系可以進一步建構理想溝通模式的制度。 (四)唯有排除利益格局和效率邏輯,學校行政體系才有可能阻止在內部產生的不合理權力運作乃至資源分配;以及從外部涉入之行政官僚體系的權力與貨幣控制。


Habermas’ intersubjective discourse of the communicative action and the educational enlightenment Abstract This research aims at probing into intersubjectivity deeply; hope to grasp the deep meaning of intersubjectivity. Through studying the relation between intersubjective discourse and the philosophy development trend of the 20th century, “intersubjective turn” of philosophy in the 20th century is established. And by probing into the orientation of intersubjective discourse- “the epistemology orientation”, “the ontology orientation”, “the linguistics orientation”, the theories of Husserl (epistemology ) , Heidegger (ontology),and Apel(linguistics) are chosen to prove Habermas’ critical inheriting . In other words , for Habermas , it’s to “reconstruction of the intersubjectivity”. After the purpose of defining Habermas’ intersujectivity, , in order to investigate how Habermas used intersubjectivity in philosophy and sociology of his discourse of the communicative action, the research is directed against the discourse of the communicative action, including “the relation of subjectivity and intersubjectivity under Habermas’ horizon”, “communicative action and communicative rationality”,“personal development and social evolution”, and “the meaning in which intersubjectivity offers to the postmetaphysical thinking and the philosophy of modernity”. Finally, the above-mentioned research is going to apply Habermas’ intersujective discourse of the communicative action to probe into the antithesis phenomenon of the administrative system of the school, and propose educational enlightenment. The followings are discovered according to the above-mentioned context of the research: First, definition of intersubjectivity Intersubjectivity includes characteristics with “ontology”, “epistemology”, and “axiology”. At the same time , it is judged by three conditions of “the relation”, “the attitude”, and “the responsibility”, that defines as follows : When it comes to intersubjectivity, reciprocity relation between different subjects is regarding as the prerequisite. The ideal communicative community takes language as intermediary and contains the bearing of mutual respect. In addition, confirmation and responsibility among the subjects contribute to the mutual understanding and consensus of the consistency and objectivity. Second, the educational enlightenment of Habermas' intersujective discourse of the communicative action (which is direct against the antithesis conflict phenomenon of the administrative system of the school) (1) The relation between educational administrative institutions and schools should be established on the reciprocity and respect. (2) The policies between educational administrative institutions and schools should not be made or rationalize by only one aspect. That is to say, during the process of administering policies, revise is allowed. (3) The rationality of the administrative system should be set up on the intersubjective communicative rationality. And it can construct the institute of ideal communicative model further. (4) For the internal part, only when getting rid of the interests and logical efficiency, the educational administrative system may just prevent unreasonable power of operation and even allocation about resource. For external part, all they have to do is to break away form the control of power and currency of administrative bureaucrat.
