  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究旨在探討助人者的非專業人際生活之內涵與特殊議題、助人專業帶來什麼影響、助人者如何統整專業角色與個人角色、以及助人者根據經驗為健康的非專業人際生活提出什麼建議。本研究以立意抽樣的方式針對十二位目前在國內從事助人工作的專業人員進行半結構的深度訪談﹐訪談結果再以質性研究的紮根方法進行系統化的分析與歸納。研究結果如下﹕ 1.研究參與者的非專業人際關係包括家人、朋友、親密伴侶、同儕與同事﹔專業與非專業人際生活之間有重疊的情形﹐非專業人際生活也大多較為狹窄﹐以同行情誼為主要支持來源。助人專業對助人者的各種非專業人際關係的影響﹐以及七個人際生活中的特殊議題﹐在研究中也有進一步討論。 2.本研究歸納出影響助人者非專業人際生活的主要因素為﹕助人專業的訓練、助人工作、助人者的職業身份、助人專業的環境與社群、以及其它因素。 3.本研究中參與者嘗試在時間與空間上區分專業角色與個人角色的界限﹐然而助人專業內涵的內化與實踐讓他們體會兩種角色的密不可分﹐研究參與者皆採取不同的態度和行動以達統整。 4.研究參與者根據自身經驗﹐對健康的非專業人際生活提出具體而實用的建議。 最後根據本研究結果對未來相關研究、助人者、及訓練機構提出建議以供參考。


The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the content and special issues in non-professional interpersonal lives of professional helpers. The influence of the helping profession, integration of professional and personal roles, and advices from these helpers based on their personal experiences were also examined. Participants were composed of 12 professionals and trainees currently practicing in the helping profession. These helpers were enlisted through purposeful sampling, and all of them participated in a semi-structural in-depth interview. The data collected were then systematically analyzed using grounded theory method, and results were as follows: 1.Interpersonal relationships in helpers’ non-professional lives include families, friends, intimate relationships, colleagues and co-workers, thus overlapping between professional and non-professional interpersonal lives were observed. Most participants reported they had narrow non-professional interpersonal lives, while friendships developed in the circle of professional helpers are their main source of support. In the study the influence of the helping profession on the helpers’ non-professional relationships, as well as seven special issues in their interpersonal lives were also discussed. 2.In the study the participants’ non-professional interpersonal lives were influenced by the following factors: the content of the professional training, the work in helping profession, the professional role as a helper, the environment and community of the helping profession as well as other factors. 3.Most research participants distinguished the professional role from the personal role by the structure of time and physical spaces, however the internalization of the knowledge and skills of the helping profession has helped them realize the fact that these two roles are interweaving. Therefore in reaching of a more integrative state, different participants took different attitudes and actions. 4.Research participants provided specific and practical suggestions for maintaining a healthy non-professional interpersonal life based on their experience. Suggestions and applications based on the result of this study were made for future studies, helping professionals, and training institut


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