  • 學位論文


Research on Applications of Advertising Slogans and their Creativity of Context in Postmodernism

指導教授 : 張柏舟


摘要 一件好的設計作品,除了有絕佳的創意之外,如果能有句適當的文案標題 (Catch phrase;個案使用稱Catch,長期使用為Slogan ),將使畫面相得益彰。俗語說〝筆比劍利〞。如果設計者能兼顧畫面及文字,將使畫面的更具說服力。自現代繪畫之父,塞尚(Cezanne)提出了所有物體都是由圓柱、圓椎,與球形組成之後,歷經立體派、構成主義,至絕對主義、風格派、包浩斯…將設計弄得艱澀難懂。直到後結構主義批判結構主義之後,創意文本(Text),文脈風格 (Context)逐漸興起,到了後現代主義文脈風格可說是風起雲湧。大眾傳播界運用文脈風格更為徹底,因為不論平面設計或廣告影片CF,都會用一句廣告標語來主導整個企劃案,本論文將以文脈風格在廣告設計上的運用,做進一步之分類與創意研究。 本研究共計六章,第一章緒論,論述研究背景、動機與研究目的,並且說明研究方法、流程和研究範圍的限制。 第二章則是文獻探討,從現代主意各派別的理論,到後結構主義文脈風格的興起,到後現代主義文脈風格,對大眾傳播產生重大影響,予以探討說明。 第三章研究方法,以質化法分析美國五位廣告文案名人堂的大師,將其理論與特色,並列表做比較。並簡述台灣的廣告發展過程。 第四章敘述廣告文案分類方法,筆者綜合中西廣告特質,收集台灣近40年的廣告文案,將標題分成三大類,1.文戲風格、2.文理風格、3.文情風格;並敘述各類的成因與理論背景,再將三大類細分近30類,並列表以圖文分析說明。 第五章以平面廣告文案創作,闡述創作理念、創作過程與創作衍生發展。 第六章為本文結論,對本研究「廣告標題的分類與創意研究」做一總結,並提出後續研究的可能性。 關鍵詞:文本、文脈風格、廣告標題、文案分類


Abstract A good design is successfully presented not only with excellent creativivity but also with proper Catch phrase ( case usage: Catch; long-term usage: Solgan). The Catch phrase makes the design verbally and visually attractive, which speaks for the saying,”Pens are sharper than swords.” If a designer deals well with both graphs and texts, that will make the design more conveniencing. From the time when Cezanne, Father of the Modern Fine Art, developed the theory that every object is made of circular cylinders, circular cones, and spheres, and through Cubism, Constructivism, Suprematism, de stijl (The style), till Bauhaus theory periods…, the designing concepts had become very difficult to understand. After Post-structuralism criticized Constructivism, Text, Context gradually appeared; then in the period of Postmodernism, Context developed prosperously. The mass media businesses apply Context rather thoroughly. No matter for plane designs or commercial films, one advertising phrase or sentence is used to lead each entire project. This research is focused on the application of Context on advertisement designing, with emphases on categorizing and creativity studying. The dissertation includes six chapters. In chapter one --introduction, the background, motivation, and purposes of the research are presented, and the methodology, process, and limitation of the study domains are explained as well. Chapter two is mainly about literature reviewing: from various theories of Modernism, through the occurrence of Context in Post-structuralism, to development of Context in Postmodernism, and finally the influences of Context toward mass media. In chapter three, the qualitative analyses on five script masters from advertising celebrity are explained with comparative tablets showing their theories and characteristics. The brief development history of the adverting businesses in Taiwan is also discussed in this chapter. The categorizing of advertisement copy(script) methods is presented in chapter four. The author collected copies(scripts)from the last 40 years advertisement history, integrated the advertisement characteristics of Taiwanese and Western projects, and categorized the projects’ slogans into three major groups: 1.Words for play, 2.Words from theories, 3. Words with affections. The grouping factors and the theoretic backgrounds of each group are described here. In addition, the three groups were also divided into 30 items by the author, and these items are explained and analyzed with tablets, illustrations and texts. Chapter 5 is focused on discussions about the plane advertising copy creation. The concepts of creation, processes of creation, and derivative developments of creation are expounded. In chapter six- Conclusion, all major discussions of the study” Research on categorization of advertising slogans and their creativity” are concluded, and the possibility of the future study is also proposed at the end. Keywords : Text, Context, Slogans, Catch phrase, Copy(script) categorization


Text Context Slogans Catch phrase Copy(script) categorization


一. 中文部分
楊裕富,2002年,《後現代設計藝術 E行銷品味論! N世代流行戰》,田園城市文化事業,台北市。


