  • 學位論文


Incorporating a Listening Component into the Basic Competence English Test: A Questionnaire Survey

指導教授 : 張武昌


現行國民中學基本學力測驗英語科的測驗僅包含閱讀能力測驗,無法測試出考生在聽力、口說與寫作方面的英語能力。況且,英語聽力是英語學習中基本溝通能力之一,其重要性實不可忽略。因此,本研究針對聽力測驗部分,調查台灣地區中學教師以及學生對於國中基本學力測驗英語科加考聽力測驗之看法與可行性。 參考相關文獻探討,研究者為中學教師、高中學生、國中學生設計三份不同的問卷,藉此獲得下列研究問題的答案:(1) 中學教師對於基測英語科加考聽力測驗的必要性及可行性看法為何?(2) 中學教師的背景、教學與施測經驗、對英語聽力教學與測驗的看法,這三種因素是否會影響其對加考聽力可行性的看法?(3) 中學生對於基測英語科加考聽力測驗的必要性及可行性看法為何?(4) 中學生的背景、自我英語能力評估、英語成績、接受英語科測驗的經驗、對加考聽力測驗的看法,這五種因素是否會影響其對加考聽力可行性的看法?(5)中學教師與學生認為基測英語科加考聽力測驗不可行的主要原因為何? 參與研究者包含分別來自台灣北、中、南、東四區的三百名中學教師,四百二十名國中生以及四百八十名高中生。研究結果發現:(1) 中學教師了解培養聽說讀寫四方面溝通能力的重要性,但是在教學上難以四者並重。至於學生的英語閱讀能力與聽力的關係,贊成兩者相關與反對的教師人數比例近似。此外,中學教師認同基測英語科加考聽力的優點,大部分教師也認為只要解決部分問題,短期內就可加考聽力測驗。(2) 對於加考聽力的可行性,國中教師、將培養學生溝通能力視為個人教學目標的教師以及認同加考聽力優點的教師,較容易持正面的態度。(3) 中學生普遍認為自身的英語閱讀能力等同於自身的英語聽力。對於基測英語科加考聽力測驗,中學生普遍認為有其必要性,大多數也認為解決部分問題後,短期內就可行。(4) 中學生對於基測英語科加考聽力測驗的看法與其對可行性的看法有極高的關聯。高中生對自我英語聽力的評估與其對加考聽力的可行性看法也有相關。此外,國中生接受英語科測驗的經驗與其對加考聽力的可行性看法亦相關。(5) 對中學教師與學生而言,試場環境與設備各地不一的情況,是加考聽力測驗最大的障礙。國中生另外比較擔心的是聽不懂錄音人員的發音與腔調。 本研究結果建議:未來基測英語科若要加考聽力測驗,首要問題就是解決環境與設備的問題,其次就是出題方式與內容需考慮文化與城鄉差異,以核心、共通的能力為主。此外,中學教師宜多注重英語聽力的教學,教育單位也應該多多提升各地英語聽力教學的質與量。


The present Basic Competence English Test is a test of reading competence. It cannot assess examinees’ communicative competence in English listening, speaking and writing. Since listening competence is a fundamental skill in English learning, its importance should not be neglected. Therefore, the present study is conducted to investigate high school teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward the necessity and feasibility of incorporating a listening test into the Basic Competence English Test. After a careful literature review, three questionnaires respectively for high school teachers, senior and junior high school students are introduced. The participants were 300 high school teachers, 420 junior high school students and 480 senior high school students from Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern Taiwan. The major findings are as follows: (1) Most teachers are aware of the importance of developing students’ listening competence in English, although not all of them put enough emphasis on it. With regard to the argument that reading competence does not equal overall competence or listening competence, it is not distinctively rejected or supported. Finally, most teachers agree the incorporation is beneficial and feasible after a few problems are solved. (2) The factors that affect teachers’ attitudes toward the feasibility of incorporating a listening test into the Basic Competence English Test include the teachers’ experience with students, their recognition of the importance to develop communicative competence and their agreement on the advantages of the incorporation. (3) Students consider their performances on reading tests to be similar to those on listening tests. Most of them agree the incorporation is necessary and feasible after a few problems are solved. (4) As for the factors that affect students’ attitudes toward the feasibility of the incorporation, their attitudes toward the incorporation play a significant role. For senior high school students, their self-evaluated listening competence also affects their attitudes toward the feasibility. For junior high school students, their gender and test-taking experience both affect their attitudes. (5) The physical condition of testing (i.e., facilities and equipment) is the major problem that hinders the feasibility. Junior high school students are also concerned about speech clarity. The findings offer the following implications: First, before implementing the incorporation scheme, testing facilities and equipment need to be first improved. In addition, the task type, text type and content of the test should be well-designed to assess the core abilities that are common to all examinees. Second, the amount and quality of English listening instruction in some areas requires improvement.


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