  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 許順吉博士


中 文 摘 要 生薑與乾薑為兩種不同的中藥材,生薑屬辛溫解表藥,用於風寒感冒、噁心嘔吐、胸腹脹痛、痰飲喘滿等之表證。生薑經炮製處理後,即為乾薑。乾薑屬溫?寋蝝H藥,用於吐瀉腹痛、肢冷脈微、寒飲咳嗽、寒濕痺痛之?奡H證。 本研究分為三個部份。第一部份探討薑的近代研究,整理出薑的化學成分可分為3大類:揮發油、辛辣成分、二苯基庚烷類。薑辛辣味的化學成分主要是gingerols([6]-, [8]-, [10]-gingerol)、shogals([6]-, [8]-, [10]-shogaol)其中又以[6]- gingerol、[6]-shogaol的含量最多,也是薑的主要藥理活性成分。gingerols具熱不安定性,在高溫下會變化成shogaols,因此,生薑富含[6]- gingerol,乾薑富含[6]-shogaol,且其量與生長年數成正比。研究顯示,生薑之藥理近似gingerol,而乾薑接近shogaol。 第二部份為利用高效液相層析儀(HPLC),開發出分析生薑與乾薑藥理活性成分的方法,在65分鐘內能分離出zingerone、[6]- gingerol 及[6]-shogaol。本研究利用前述分析法,對市售生薑與乾薑各10批進行分析,結果顯示,生薑中無zingerone,[6]- gingerol的含量為1.63至2.82 mg/g,[6]-shogaol的含量為0.089至0.120 mg/g,[6]- gingerol平均含量遠高於[6]-shogaol,約為20倍左右。在乾薑中,zingerone的含量在0.054至0.140 mg/g之間,[6]- gingerol的含量為1.22至6.28 mg/g,[6]-shogaol的含量為1.40至2.71mg/g,[6]- gingerol的平均含量還是高於[6]-shogaol,但不若生薑來的大,約為1.7倍左右。 第三部份是利用上述分析方法,對市售含生薑與乾薑的方劑進行分析。實驗顯示,由原料製成製劑,其[6]- gingerol與[6]-shogaol的積分比值變化率在-66.48%至25.79%間,在8份樣品中有6份的變化率超過10%(絕對值)。此種結果說明了在製作方劑的過程中,其它藥材對生薑與乾薑藥理活性成分的萃取產生很大影響,故明顯改變了[6]- gingerol與[6]-shogaol的含量比。


Abstract Fresh ginger and dry ginger are considered to be two distinct kinds of Chinese herbal medicine. Fresh ginger is a warm acrid superficies-resolving drug, and is used for colds, nausea, vomiting, bloating and coughing. After processing, fresh ginger becomes dry ginger. Dry ginger is an interior-warming chill-repelling drug , and is used for vomiting, diarrhea, cold limbs, weak pulses, coughing and rheumatism. This study is divided into three parts. The first part explores modern research on ginger, and sorts its chemical properties into three main categories: volatile oils, pungent principles and diarylheptanoid compounds. Ginger’s pungency mainly comes from chemicals such as gingerols ([6]-, [8]-, [10]-gingerol), shogals ([6]-, [8]-, [10]-shogaol). Of those, [6]-gingerol and [6]-shogaol are present in the largest amounts, and are the main active pharmacological ingredients in ginger as well. Gingerols, with the amount directly proportional to the age of the ginger, are thermally unstable, and at high temperatures change easily into shogaols. Therefore fresh ginger is rich in [6]-gingerol while dry ginger is rich in [6]-shogaol’s age. Research indicates that the pharmacological properties of fresh ginger are similar to gingerol while dry ginger is similar to those of shogaol. In the second part, an HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) was developped to analyze the active pharmacological ingredients in fresh and dry ginger capable of separating zingerone, [6]-gingerol and [6]-shogaol within 65 minutes. Using the above method, our study conducted an analysis on 10 batches of fresh and dry ginger sold on the market. The results indicate that fresh ginger contained [6]-gingerol, 1.63 ~ 2.82 mg/g, and [6]-shogaol, 0.089 ~ 0.120 mg/g, with the average [6]-gingerol content being far higher than [6]-shogaol by a factor of around twenty, and had no zingerone. In dry ginger contained zingerone, 0.054~0.140mg/g, [6]-gingerol, 1.22~6.28 mg/g, and [6]-shogaol, 1.40~2.71mg, with the average [6]-gingerol content being still higher than [6]-shogaol but only by 1.7 times. In the third part, the above method of analysis was used on prescription medicines containing fresh and dry ginger sold on the market. Laboratory results showed that converting the raw ingredients into medicine changed the [6]-gingerol and [6]-shogaol concentrations by amounts varying between -66.48% and 25.79%, with 6 out of 8 samples’ variation exceeding 10% (absolute value). This outcome demonstrated that when producing prescription medicine, other ingredients had a very large effect on the extraction of active pharmacological ingredients in fresh and dry ginger. This resulted in very obvious changes to the concentration of [6]-gingerol and [6]-shogaol.




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