  • 學位論文


Quality Assurance and Evaluation in Nordic Countries

指導教授 : 高強華


北歐四國高等教育品質保證與評鑑機制之研究 中文摘要 本研究主要在探討北歐四國高等教育品質保證與評鑑之發展,透過對歐洲整體脈絡的探究與分析,分析丹麥、芬蘭、挪威以及瑞典在高等教育方面的品質保證與評鑑機制之實施情形。 本研究之結論如下: 壹、歐洲脈絡方面 一、歐洲各國透過各項宣言及重要文件的公佈,目前已建立共識,共同為發展「歐洲高等教育區」而努力; 二、歐洲各國受到波隆納宣言的影響,目前高等教育學位系統進行重大的改革; 三、「歐洲高等教育區」共同訂定並遵循一套品質保證的標準及方針,可以應用於高等教育機構及品質保證機構。 貳、歐洲脈絡影響北歐四國方面 一、北歐四國在品質保證的作法上各有其特色,目前為尋求相互流動及品質的相互認可,都逐漸走向波隆納宣言的架構; 二、北歐四國皆有成立專責之品質保證機構,其運作與規劃已具有相當規模,並有立法定位權能兼備; 三、北歐四國的高等教育機構在品質保證目標之策略及特色方面,各有自主的傑出作法。 本研究之建議如下: 壹、提升「歐洲高等教育區」,應加強世界各區域之行銷; 貳、高等教育系統之改革應為點滴工程,循序漸進不可躁進; 參、應用高等教育品質保證之標準與方針時,應注意各國社會文化背景脈絡; 肆、加強各國之間品質保證工作的相互交流,促進良性互動關係,並應注重高等教育的動態發展,彈性調整作法。 關鍵詞:北歐四國、高等教育、品質保證、評鑑


Quality Assurance and Evaluation in Nordic Countries Abstract The massification of higher education and the rapid expansion of knowledge set a world-wide challenge to the higher education sector and to its relation with society, which led to a new interest in-and new forms of-quality assurance and evaluation. This research will focus on European Higher Education Area and the Nordic countries. The research conclusions are: The European context First, the European Higher Education Area has achieved consensus on the declarations; Secondly, the European is under the influence of Bologna Declaration, and the degree reform is the main issue; Thirdly, the European Higher Education has set up their own standard and guideline of quality assurance and for implementation in quality agencies and higher education institutions. The Nordic context First, the Nordic countries have their own method in quality assurance, and they are under the influence of Bologna Process; Secondly, the Nordic country have specific quality assurance agencies for quality work, and the are run under the law; Thirdly, the Nordic country’s higher education institutions have their own quality assurance strategy and system. The research suggestions are: First, to increase the marketing of European Higher Education Area; Secondly, the process of the higher education should be step by step; Thirdly, the implementations of quality assurance standard and guideline should consider the context of the society; Fourthly, exchange good practice between countries and the dynamics of the development. Keywords:Nordic countries, higher education, quality assurance, evaluation


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