

本研究以全國145所大學校院圖書館為研究調查對象,進行問卷調查。問卷回收共128份,有效問卷為124份,問卷總回收率達85.5%;針對圖書館與讀者溝通互動程度、讀者問題產生的原因、讀者個人因素問題、圖書館因素問題、讀者問題處理現況、影響圖書館處理讀者問題的因素、館員教育訓練方式、訓練館員處理讀者問題的內容、館員應具備的知能素養等部分作分析。 研究結果有下列幾點發現: 一、大學校院圖書館經常會遇到的讀者問題有:1. 讀者個人問題:(1) 經常因為空調問題之需求,而產生問題;(2)生理問題方面,最常針對無障礙設施提出問題;(3)心理問題方面,最常為物品偷竊;(4)習慣問題方面,則是在館內飲食;(5)收費問題方面,最多為無法繳交罰款所衍生的讀者問題;(6) 其他問題方面,以書籍遺失問題最多。2.圖書館問題:(1)在圖書館服務流程產生的問題,有因借書作業提出問題,如書已還但還有紀錄等;(2)因圖書館服務標的產生的問題,最多因查詢困難提出問題;(3)在工作人員方面產生的問題,有讀者因館內工作人員服務態度不佳所衍生的問題;(4)讀者經常因圖書館設備產生的問題,以對影印設備提出問題最多。二、不同類型大學校院圖書館的讀者問題大致相同,其中在讀者習慣、心理與對圖書館設備存在些微差異。三、大學校院圖書館整體外部環境最常發生因素,以個人習慣因素佔比例最多;服務流程則為內部環境最常發生因素。四、大學校院圖書館有處理讀者問題之機制,並且以專人負責處理讀者問題為最多,但大多為臨時性;成員以館員佔最多數;以讀者服務組為最多之處理單位。五、大學校院圖書館最常利用電子郵件的管道與讀者進行溝通互動。六、大學校院圖書館最常處理讀者問題的工作項目完全相同,以彙整讀者問題相關問題集(Q&A)為最多;相關處理模式歸類幾種,有標準作業流程、書面記錄及回覆、視個案處理、其他方式等;圖書館進行處理讀者問題時遇到的困難,皆以人力資源不足為最多。七、對於大學校院圖書館館員在處理讀者問題方面之意見,皆認為都很需要,其中最需要具備知能素養,以應具備耐心為最多。八、人員因素是影響大學校院圖書館在處理讀者個人問題、處理圖書館服務流程、服務標的、館員服務態度或行為等重要因素;在處理圖書館設備重要因素,則為經費因素。九、大學校院圖書館訓練館員處理讀者問題之方式與內容:1.大學校院圖書館承辦處理讀者問題之同仁獲得相關管理知識或經驗方面,以與同仁經驗交流/討論勾選次數最多;2.大學校院圖書館進行相關處理讀者問題教育訓練時間方面,以不定期,視情況需求而定為最多。3.大學校院圖書館最常利用館員透過工作中、工作手冊學習方式為館員進行處理讀者問題之教育訓練;4.大學校院圖書館,最常為館員安排針對處理讀者問題之新進館員安排職前訓練課程。十、處理讀者問題的程序。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:一、對圖書館的建議,建立讀者問題處理機制、慎重建置圖書館各種政策、提供館員繼續教育、圖書館加強軟硬體設備維護與管理、加強對於身心障礙讀者的照顧、加強對讀者使用圖書館的宣導、加強對讀者的關心、提供讀者多元溝通管道、積極行銷圖書館;二、對大學校院的建議,針對行為異常讀者進行輔導與追蹤、重視圖書館處理讀者問題、開設圖書館利用教育課程;三、對大學校院圖書館員的建議,館員應有正確的工作態度與能力、親切有禮的對待讀者、積極參與處理讀者問題之相關課程、大學校院圖書館館員讀者服務導向之養成。


The main purpose of the library management is to offer a satisfactory patron service and develop the patron’s loyalty. The loyal patronage comes from the good patron relations management. In addition, the sound interaction with the patron is the foundation of the good patron relations. Among frequent interaction with the library, patrons pay attention to whether the library can promptly and accurately solve one's own problem, whether one’s problem can be properly dealt with, and whether the library can meet their demands. What and how the library reacts influences the patron's impression on the library, which affects the patron’s loyalty as well as the rate of the library utilization. Both how to offer the most proper information at the most proper timing and how to fulfill the patron’s needs are the goals that the library has been pursuing all the time. This study focuses on how the library copes with patrons’ problems. The subjects are 145 college libraries. This survey retrieved 128 questionnaires while 124 of them are effective. The response rate is up to 85.5%. In this study, we analyze the interaction between the patron and the library, the cause of the patron's questions, the patron's personal factor, the library factor, the patron's problem-solving condition, factors that influence how the library handles the patron's questions, the general librarian education, the librarian training specifically on the patron’s problems, and the librarian’s profession. The result of this study suggests: first, for the library, setting up a standard operating program of handling the patron's problem, consolidating various library policies and rules, providing librarians on-job training, reinforcing the library software and hardware maintenance and management, strengthening the proper treatment of patrons with physical or psychological obstacle, promoting library resources, caring patrons, offering communicative channels, and marketing library actively to patrons; second, for the college institutions, counseling and tracking patrons with irregular behavior, emphasizing on the library's coping with the patron's problem, providing courses on utilizing library resources; third, for the college librarians, possessing correct working attitude and capability, staying courteous to patrons, aggressively taking part in programs related to solving patrons’ problems and building up the patron-oriented service.
