  • 學位論文


“Feminine beauty paintings - Focus of men’s gaze”

指導教授 : 黃進龍


裸體繪畫要在情慾和情境之間,面對身體、生命、靈魂做觀照取捨,透過藝術家在表現上的形式探索,才能呈現女性裸體原本最自然真摯的美感,並還原對女體的尊重和心相的昇華,創造出具有絕對道德觀念的美感。 藝術一直是人類精神與肉體的溝通橋樑,把人類恆久的生命真諦,以共同的視覺語言表達出來。而繪畫最高的成就,就是描寫人類的靈魂,透過肢體的描寫,反映出每個肉體的內在情感,將「性」與「愛慾」分離,昇華為視覺的美感。 本研究從藝術史的脈絡去分析、讀解每一個時代的女性裸體在繪畫中的形象與背景意義,並從心理分析學、精神分析學的論點去對應人類從「性」轉化為「愛慾」的昇華歷程;從生物學及人類文化學的角度去分析女性不同部位的生理特徵如何對男性散發性的魅力,並以繪畫作品對照印證。 最後以油畫創作「『女性美』-男性凝視的焦點」系列作品,作為本研究心得、理念詮釋的結論。


愛慾 裸體 裸體畫


Nudity is supposed to be reflected between lust and circumstances, while taking the body, life, and soul into consideration and through the exploration of the artist’s performance. This way, the most natural and sincere aesthetic of the woman nude can be truly presented. The nudity not only shows the respect towards woman body but also raises the spirit. In addition, it creates the aesthetic feeling with absolute moral concept. Art has always been the link of communication between the human spirit and body. It expresses the eternity of the human life through the universal visual language. The ultimate achievement of the nudity is to describe the human soul, through the description of the limbs. It reflects the internal eros of each human body. By separating lidido and eros, nudity fulfils the visual aesthetic. From the sequence of the art history, this research analyzes and interprets the images and the meanings of woman nude during each epoch. With the argument of psychoanalysis study, this study corresponds with the course of how ‘lilido’ raises up to ‘eros.’ Furthermore, that how the physical characteristic of women's different body parts sends out glamour to men is also analyzed in terms of biology and human science, and is made a contrast with paintings. The serial works of “Feminine beauty paintings - Focus of men’s gaze”, is the conclusion and the annotation of this study.


lidido eros nude nudity


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