  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 廖遠光


本研究採個案研究,由筆者及英文老師親自帶領遊學團為研究個案,團員中的三十三位學生為個案研究之研究對象,前往加拿大溫哥華,參與為期三週的遊學團,經由參與觀察和深入訪談蒐集資料,從當事人觀點探究學生參與遊學教育的意義、體驗、收穫、期待,以及學生於遊學過程中的體驗、想法和省思;並從教育的視野出發,希望瞭解台灣海外遊學團之辦理現況、瞭解短期海外遊學團的經歷對學生的意義、收穫與影響、析論台灣海外遊學團對於學生的學習意涵與價值以及提出台灣辦理遊學團之建議。 遊學經驗對於學生而言,是在學生人生閱歷中一段非常新奇、非常新鮮無可取代的親身體驗;藉由遊學這樣異文化的接觸與互動,給予學生重新再思考的機會,再思考文化異同的議題,反省自己本身的文化,再思考自己的價值體系,反省自己社會的價值體系,反省自己;此外,本國要辦理遊學教育活動,經綜合相關文獻探討、觀察、訪談與文件分析結果,歸納本研究四項結論:一、學生個人的親身體驗。二、有助於增進學生的文化資本。三、有助於培養學生的多元智慧。四、一個經過精心設計、有目的性的課程。 最後,本國要辦理海!遊學活動,研究者經本文彙集之建議:一、遊學業者的建議:於成團前之周詳設計規劃與說明、於出發前之行前課程說明的重要、於出發前考量先行完成編班測驗、重視遊學國家之語文學校的選擇、要求語文課程教材與授課時數、選修活動課程及週六參訪活動、慎選寄宿家庭及飲食接送安全、遊學業者應以顧問的角色提供學生更多的服務;二、地方教育行政機關的建議;三、國民中學的建議:學校行政、英語領域召集人、英語領域老師、家長會;四、師資培育機構的建議:培育二十一世紀的師資、後續研究的重要性;五、參與遊學團的學生之建議;六、參與遊學團的學生家長之建議。 關鍵詞:遊學;個案;親身體驗;文化資本;多元智慧;非正式課程。


The case study of a junior high students’ overseas study tour Based on the case study, the researcher and English teachers guiding a study tour group went to Vancouver in Canada for 3 weeks. The research subjects are 33 students. The research is employed the methods of data collecting including the field observing and interviewing. The researcher examines the meaning, the experience, the expectation, and the reflections to those who joined the study tour group. In the point of education, the researcher would like to understand the state of overseas study tour group in Taiwan and analyze the educational meaning bringing for those who joined the study tour group, additionally, propose some concrete advise. Attending study tour is quite interesting and irreplaceable experience for students. By interacting with exotic culture, students gain the opportunity to rethink and reflect their culture, society and values. According to the research purposes, the results and conclusions of the case study are listed as the following: 1. Joining the study tour is a personal experience for the student attendants. 2. It is good for the student attendants to raise the personal cultural capital through the experience of study tour. 3. It provides the student attendants an opportunity to cultivate multiple intelligence. 4. ” Study Tour “could be a designed and intended curriculum. To sum up, there are several suggestions for conducting overseas study tour going as follow. First, for the dealer in study tour, they should formulate and illustrate the detail of the activities and courses. Moreover, the consultant should provide whole service for home-stay and transportation. Last but not least, the local educational bureaucracy, schools, attending students, and parents should thoroughly understand the meaning and importance of study tour. Keyword: study tour, case study, personal experience, cultural capital, multiple intelligences, informal curriculum.


Gene Bammel & Lei Lane Burrus-Bammel(1996)著。休閒與人類行為(涂淑芳譯)。台北:桂冠。
Linda Campbell, Bruce Campbell & Dee Dickinson(1996)著。多元智慧的教與學(郭俊賢.陳淑惠譯)。台北:遠流。
Patricia A. Stokowski (1994)著。休閒社會學(吳英偉.陳慧玲譯)。台北:五南。
