  • 學位論文


Design of Fuzzy based Integral Sliding Mode Using Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller

指導教授 : 洪欽銘


本文針對傳統可變結構控制(Variable Structure Control,簡稱VSC)之 滑動(sliding)模式下會發生高速顫動(chattering)現象,將使系統產生不想要 的高頻成分,甚至造成系統不穩定,提出模糊推論積分型滑動模式之小腦 模型控制器(Fuzzy based Integral Sliding Mode Using Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller,簡稱CFISMC)。滑動模式控制器具有系統參數變動 及雜訊干擾之不敏性,擁有強健性控制,積分器可有效消除系統穩態誤 差,並能夠提升系統控制穩定度,由模糊控制加入可簡化設計系統的複雜 性,控制法則簡單,易於實現並利用狀態點與滑動面之距離,進行適應性 控制增益之動態調整,使狀態點能快速到達滑動面並降低超越量,以提昇 系統之暫態響應品質,並引用小腦模型控制器加入,可輔助積分型滑動模 式控制器之系統架構,小腦模型控制器(CMAC),是應用查表方式之類神 經網路, 對非線性系統具備優越之快速學習收斂速度及類化 (generalization)能力,以補償積分型滑動模式控制器,因系統控制器設 計之限制而使系統控制效能品質不理想。此外亦希望經由小腦模型輔助控 制器的加入,能夠縮短系統上昇時間並簡化系統設計之目的,以減少暫態 響應時間並使系統快速到達穩定狀態。最後並將本研究之架構模擬於球體 平衡桿系統(Ball-on-Beam Balancing) 控制與雙倒單擺系統(Tandem Pendulum)控制,以驗證其控制效能。


The sliding mode causes high speed chattering phenomenon in the traditional Variable Structure Control (VSC) , and produces unwanted high frequency in the system and even creates instability. This paper proposes Fuzzy based Integral Sliding Mode Using Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller, abbreviated as FCISMC. The integral controller effectively clears up errors in the system stability, and the sliding mode controller has invariable property with variation in the system parameters and interfering surface noise, thus excelling in robust control. By adding the fuzzy logic controller, it simplifies system difficulty in design. Fuzzy logic control rules are simple to make and easy to implement. We can regulate the control gain by the distance between state point and sliding surface. In this way, the state point can reach the sliding surface rapidly and reduce the overshoot. The transient response of the system will then be improved. By adding the Cerebellar model articulation controller, it aids the system structure of the integral sliding mode controller. Also, with the surpassing nonlinear learning ability of Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) and its sample generalization ability, it is hoped to compensate the poor control efficiency caused by design limitation in the conventional ISMC. Besides, adding the CMAC shortens the design procedure and reduces the difficulties in design. This cuts down the temporary state respond time and enables the system to reach its stable state. Finally, one experiment for the integral sliding mode with CMAC is simulated with the Ball-on-Beam Balancing control system and the Tandem Pendulum control system to demonstrate the improvement in its control performance.


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