  • 學位論文


A Study of Ceramic Shell Mold Process Applying to Ceramic Art Creation

指導教授 : 吳讓農


中文摘要 模具的使用是陶瓷業輔助生產重要的方法,舉凡石膏模、木模、金屬模具均十分常見,但是將鑄造用「陶瓷殼模」應用在陶瓷上,做為陶瓷坯體的方式,本研究算是第一次;有別於一般模具外模的方式,陶瓷殼模是使用內模輔助成形。 本研究旨在探討精密鑄造陶瓷殼模的成形方法應用於陶藝創作的可行性,經由文獻探討與實地訪視,瞭解陶瓷殼模的材料與成形方法,透過陶瓷殼模包模實驗與強度試驗,調整殼模包模用泥漿填充劑的組成與殼模沾砂成分,獲致最佳的殼模成分組成,使其保有陶瓷殼模的特性,又能適合陶藝創作。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、最適合陶藝創作的殼模坯體組成 基於強度、收縮率、殼模本身的最小差異性,由實驗結果得知,最適合陶藝創作的殼模坯體組成,係使用325目謨來石粉為泥漿填充劑,30%鈉長石為殼模泥漿助熔劑,矽酸膠與水的比例為3:1,面漿黏度為四號詹氏杯15秒,背漿黏度12秒,沾砂粒度第一層為35目,第二層35目,第三層35目,第四層22目,第五層22目。 二、合適的內模材料與使用方法 竹木材料、鋁網與可撓性線材為殼模坯體內模的較佳選擇,保麗龍與泡棉等發泡材料,則適合作為填充空間之用;使用上,以透空造形為較佳的創作方向,大面積與塊狀的創作在成形上較為困難,完整殼模的內模架構,有助於成形工作。 三、殼模坯體的表面處理方式 鏝平、噴附、塗刷、研磨均是殼模的表面處理方法,釉藥、色土、色料、玻璃為改變殼模表面質感與色澤的材料;殼模包模作業時背漿的濃度也是決定表面質感的因素。 四、陶藝創作的應用 殼模坯體乾燥收縮小,適合製作透空造形,幾何結構、非幾何結構,殼模坯體可使用泥漿重複沾黏,素燒前後的坯體可相互搭接,使其造形有無限延伸的可能,高鋁質陶瓷耐熱震的特性,是殼模坯體另一個值得開發的表現方向。 五、陶瓷殼模坯體的焊接 陶瓷殼模坯體的主要成分為高鋁質謨來石,坯體組成疏鬆、耐熱震,以矽酸膠、熔塊釉組成的釉藥,可作為殼模坯體焊接的「焊藥」,時驗結果發現「焊接」技術可以應用於陶瓷殼模坯體,這樣的發現將有助於陶藝創作空間的拓展。


Abstract Molds are often used in the ceramic industry as an important means of production, such as plaster molds, wood molds and steel molds. The ceramic shell mold is one of precision-casting which uses wax as the interior mold. It’s never been used in ceramic production, and this research is the first time in this area. The object of this research is to study the feasibility of using the ceramic shell process as a way of ceramic art creation. Through related researches and documents analyzed by myself, I got the process and ingredients of the ceramic shell mold. Through the polystyrene mold coating experiments, middle concentrated load experiments and modifying the ingredients of the slurry and stucco, I found the best components of ceramic shell mold suitable for ceramic art creation. The results of this research is categorized as follows: 1.Based on the strength, contractility and the least difference between the different ceramic shell molds, the best components of ceramic shell mold for ceramic art creation are: a.Binder --- colloidal silica : water = 3:1 (weight); b.Slurry filler --- Malite powder 325 mesh and 30% soda feldspar; c.Slurry viscosity --- Zahn cup #4 15 seconds and 12 seconds; d.Stucco (Malite) --- 1st layer: 35 mesh, 2nd layer: 35mesh, 3rd layer 35 mesh, 4th layer 22mesh, 5th layer 22mesh. 2.Ideal materials for inner mold of ceramic shell mold process and the best way to use them: Bamboo, wood, aluminum net, and floppy strings are better choices for the inner mold of ceramic shell mold process. Evaporative material like polystyrene is commonly used to fill the inner space of a mold. Hollow and penetrating works would represent the characteristics of ceramic shell mold process in ceramic art creation. Works with large surface and big chunks are not suitable for this process. It will be helpful during the working process if inner molds have strong frame structures. 3.Surface treatment of the ceramic shell mold Leveling with a trowel, spraying, brushing and grinding with abrasive paper are the methods for ceramic shell mold surface treatment. Glaze, colored clay, glass and coloring materials are useful to change the texture and color of ceramic shell surface. The slurry of the ceramic shell mold process is also a material for the ceramic shell mold finishing. Slurry viscosity and its color would also change the surface texture and color. 4.The use of ceramic shell mold process on ceramic art creation Because of the small shrinkage, works with hollow and penetrating shapes, geometrical structures and non-geometrical structures are suitable for the ceramic shell mold process. Ceramic shell mold is formed layer by layer with slurry and stucco. It can be assembled piece by piece with slurry, each piece fired or not fired. The assembling of ceramic shell pieces makes any shape of ceramic work possible and extends the ceramic art creation to a new level. The suffering of the big temperature shock is no longer a problem with their new combination of materials. 5.The welding of ceramic shell body The major components of ceramic shell body are high aluminum materials like malite, zircon and fused silica. The ceramic shell body is loosely composed. It will not suffer big temperature shock makes ceramic shell body welding possible. The glaze made of colloidal silica and fritted glaze can be used as the welding solder to the ceramic shell body. The welding skill applying to ceramic shell body is a new field waiting for us to elaborate.


