  • 學位論文


A Study of the Use of Data Warehouse to Manage the Websites of Technological and Vocational Education Administration

指導教授 : 戴建耘 周談輝


網際網路(Internet)與全球資訊網(WWW)之盛行,使得政府與民間之組織普遍透過全球資訊網建置專屬網站(Web)來儲存管理大量的資訊,並且透過網際網路(Internet)與企業內網路(Intranet)的特性,來分享與擴散資訊。由於行政網站所具備之公信心與擔任之角色與一般網站不同,教育行政網站倉儲管理機制的建置,對於資訊的傳承以及日後的維護運作,是網站成敗之重要因素之一。 本研究乃針對資訊需求者(Pull)與服務者資訊提供者(Push)所涉及之資料(訊)查詢,資料(訊)上傳之相關機制研究,分析規劃資料倉儲,資料超市以及多維資料庫模型(MOLAP)技術應用,使建置之倉儲管理機制,提供維護管理者能有效地管理本身之資訊,以期能提供一般民眾、家長、學生、教師與教育行政單位等對象藉由本網站得到所需要的訊息,藉以強化技職相關業務之推動。 應用資料倉儲的觀念,從資料、資訊的定義與分類開始,先運用資料倉儲(data warehouse)與資料超市(data mart)的技術,將網站資料倉儲等相關資訊基本功能作整合,建置多維資料庫模型(MOLAP),以提昇擷取、搜尋與傳遞資訊之效率。


So prevailing are the internet and World Wide Web that official and private organizations use widely the WWW to build their own websites to store and conduct large amount of information. Also, these organizations make use of the Internet and Intranet to give and take information. Administrative websites, different from ordinary ones, are supposed to play a convincing role; thus, the establishment of a mechanism of warehouse management will contribute to the success of a website of technological and vocational education administration. My study has several concerns: the searching of information and data with which the Pull and Push are concerned, the uploading of information and data, the analyzing and designing of data warehouse and data mart, and the applying of MOLAP. It aims to set up a mechanism of warehouse management, through which the website conductors will effectively handle and offer the information that parents, students, teachers, and educational administrations need. In this way, the affairs of technological and vocational education will be successfully promoted. The idea of applying data warehouse begins with the definition and classification of information and data, then applies the skill of data warehouse and data mart to integrate the related information and basic functions of data warehouse on the websites, and finally establish the MOLAP to improve the efficiency of giving and taking information.


1. 戴建耘、饒達欽、鄭忠樑、朱勇華(民89),網站知識管理模式之研究,以技職教育資訊傳播網為例,技術與職業教育學報年刊,3期。
3.Microsoft (1998).Internet Information Server 4.0 Training, Taipei, Microsoft Press.
6.Mezicd, D. and Hillier, S. (1997). Programming Active Server Pages, Taipei, Microsoft Press.
一、中文部份 (依年代排序)


