  • 學位論文


Study on genetic structure of Sibataniozephyrus kuafui Hsu & Lin and phylogenetic relationship among Sibataniozephyrus species

指導教授 : 徐堉峰


夸父璀灰蝶(Sibataniozephyrus kuafui)為Hsu & Lin於1994年發表之新種,其幼蟲以台灣水青岡(Fagus hayatae)為寄主植物。本實驗採集分佈在北插天山、拉拉山與銅山三處之夸父璀灰蝶族群樣品以檢測其族群遺傳結構。 由於璀灰蝶利用水青岡之演化事件可能發生於亞洲,並因璀灰蝶屬內各蝶種專食不同種水青岡物種,本研究推想兩者可能產生共進演化情形。因此藉由分析璀灰蝶屬蝶種親緣關係,來檢測璀灰蝶屬與水青岡屬是否有共進演化情形(coevolution)。 經由分析粒線體DNA上COI基因405個核甘酸定序結果顯示,宜蘭銅山族群與北插天山族群因蘭陽溪阻隔而有隔離分化情形,北插天山有1獨立基因型,宜蘭銅山則有2個獨立基因型,兩處族群分化數值Fst=0.51。合併COI基因、tRNA與COII基因共1068個核甘酸序列分析得知,夸父璀灰蝶與富士璀灰蝶(S. fujisanus)相較於大陸樣品1&2(幼蟲寄主植物為巴山水青岡與米心水青岡)及外群台灣焰灰蝶(J. patungkoanui)兩者共有一個胺基酸(AAT)缺失,而為較近之姊妹群,以Maximum parsimony原理分析,只得到一種系統發育樹型,其CI值為0.87,RI值為0.88。研究結果顯示了璀灰蝶屬與水青岡屬在演化過程並無共進演化關係,而係璀灰蝶祖先演化出利用水青岡為幼蟲寄主的能力後,產生橫向寄主轉移現象。


Sibataniozephyrus kuafui was a recently described lycaenid butterfly ( Hsu & Lin,1994 ),which utilites Fagus hayatae as the sole larval host. The first aim of the research is to investigate the population structure of this rare butterfly in Taiwan. The second issue to be explored here is the possibility of presence of coevolutionary pattern as Sibataniozephyrus is the only lycaenid genus that is specialized on the beech trees, with each described species use a different beech species as its larval host. A seguence of 405 bp of COI gene was analyzed to investigate the genetic differentiations of S. kuafui. It turned out the population at Tongshan, Ilan is well differentiated from that of the N. Chatienshan (Fst=0.51),with the former possessing one unique haplotype and the latter two. After studying a sequence of 1068 bp of COI, tRNA and COII gene, it was found that S. kuafui shares a synapomorphy with S. fujisanus by a deletion of an amino acid code AAT in compared with the Sibataniozephyrus taxa in the Asiatic mainland. The phylogenetic pattern derived from the research did not support the coevolution model between Sibataniozephyrus lycaenids and their hosts. Alternatively, the data suggests after gaining the ability of using beech as larval host, Sibataniozephyrus horizontally shifted larval host usage, and speciated by the other evolutionary causes, independent of the diversification of the beeches.


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