  • 學位論文


The Effect of a Self-Regulated Training Course on Improving Interpersonal Communication Ability of Elementary Gifted Students .

指導教授 : 郭靜姿 教授


人際溝通自我調整訓練課程對增進國小 資優生人際溝通能力之成效研究 摘要 本研究旨在編製一套運用自我調整學習模式來教導人際溝通技巧的訓練課程與人際溝通量表;並由實驗教學結果,探討人際溝通自我調整訓練課程對增進國小資優生人際溝通能力之成效,以及分析學習效果是否會因不同年段(中、高年級)而有差異。 本研究採不等組前後測實驗設計,以立意取樣選取北市西門國小三、四、五、六年級資優生為樣本,並根據前測結果,選取低人際溝通能力者共28名為研究對象,再隨機分派為實驗組與控制組。實驗組接受為期八個單元(每週一單元,每單元240分鐘)的實驗訓練課程,控制組則接受普通班教學,無實驗處理。主要研究工具為「人際溝通量表」,施測結果採二因子共變數分析進行假設考驗。另以單元活動回饋單、成員回饋問卷、與研究者的觀察意見,作為研究結果之補充說明。 根據研究結果,本研究主要發現如下: 1.本訓練課程對國小資優生人際溝通能力之增進效果達顯著水準。 2.本訓練課程對國小資優生人際溝通能力之增進效果,不因年段不同而有顯著差異。 3.實驗組受試對本訓練課程頗為肯定與喜愛,且大都能感受此訓練課程對於自我情緒管理與人際互動方面的助益。 關鍵詞:人際溝通技巧、自我調整學習、人際溝通能力、資優生


The Effect of a Self-Regulated Training Course on Improving Interpersonal Communication Ability of Elementary Gifted Students . Hsu Hui-Ju ABSTRACT The major purposes of this study were to examine the impacts of a self-regulated training course on the interpersonal communication ability of gifted students in an elementary school.The study used the unequal-group experimental design. The sample included 3th to 6th grade gifted students in the Taipei Municipal Si-Men Elementary School. Using the pre-test score of the scale of interpersonal communication, 28 low interpersonal communication ability students were selected, and separated them into experimental and control group. The experimwntal group participated in eight sessions of the training course, one session per week and 240 minutes per session. The major intrument is a self-designed interpersonal communication scale, and the data were analyzed by two-way ANCOVA. The opinion of the experimental subjects and researcher’s observation and comments by means of a feedback questionare, were the supplementary of study results. According to the result of this study, the main findings were as follows: 1.There was significant training effect on improving the interpersonal communication ability of the experimental group. 2. There was no significant difference between two different grade groups. 3.The subjects reported that they enjoyed the whole training course, and also reported that they improved in the emotional management ability and interpersonal interaction. Key words: Interpersonal communication skills. Self-regulation learning. Interpersonal communication ability. Gifted students.


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