  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 宋維村 林寶貴


自閉症兒童在自由遊戲及引發情境下的表徵性遊戲之研究 摘要 本研究主要研究目的在探討語言理解年齡30~35個月的自閉症兒童,在自由遊戲及引發遊戲時的遊戲行為,並探討在自由遊戲時不能表徵性遊戲者,是否能在引發遊戲時表現出物品替代行為。並比較何種引發效果較佳。 本研究以修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗為選樣工具,二十八名受試生理年齡分佈於三歲四個月至八歲。先經五分鐘之自由遊戲再經四個引發遊戲,分別以口語指令、視覺提示及口語提示引發,引發遊戲時資料分析僅以二十一名受試之資料進行統計分析,排除七名在自由遊戲時已能表徵性遊戲者。 本研究的主要發現列述如下: 一、 在自由遊戲部分 1. 所有受試在自由遊戲時,以表現出功能性遊戲及練習性遊戲居多;其次為不碰觸玩具,再其次表徵性遊戲及排序性遊戲;最少的是建構性遊戲。 2. 本研究之受試在自由遊戲時之472次觀察,表徵性遊戲僅佔5%,而練習性遊戲卻最多數(35%),有發展性的落後現象。 3. 受試在自由遊戲時遊戲行為及玩具選用有較少樣、固定、少情感交流、少樂趣及多感官動作等現象。 4. 功能性遊戲多於練習性遊戲者,比練習性遊戲多於功能性遊戲者,有較高的溝通商數;能表徵性遊戲者亦比不能表徵性遊戲者有較高的溝通商數。。 二、 在引發遊戲部分 1. 二十一名受試有十六名,至少在一次(含)的引發中能被成功引發而表現物品替代遊戲。 2. 五名無法引發成功者主要問題不在「理解」而在「動機」。堅持原固執行為或固執玩法而不願參與引發遊戲。 3. 比較生理年齡及主受試互動評量表上之得分及溝通商數和引發成功與否間是否有相關,發現引發成功組和引發不成組之間的平均得分並無顯著差異存在。 4. 引發成功組較不成功組在自由遊戲時有較多的功能性遊戲和較少的練習性遊戲,顯示前者在自由遊戲時即有較佳之遊戲能力。 5. 比較視覺提示和口語提示不同的引發策略引發自閉症兒童表現物品替代遊戲的效果,發現其間並無顯著差異存在。 研究者並對未來的研究與遊戲教學提出建議。


遊戲 表徵遊戲 自閉症


A Study of Symbolic Play in Free Play and Elicited Conditions for Children with Autism Abstract The purposes of this study are to explore the repertoire of play behaviors during free play and elicited substitute play in children with autism. The subjects consisted of 28 children with autism with verbal comprehension age 30-35 months, measured by Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Rivised. Their chronological age ranged from 3 years and 4 months to 8 years. They were observed in free play for 5 minutes, and then were tested in 4 conditions to elicit substitute play. The strategies, verbal direction, verbal prompt and visual prompt were used to elicit substitute play. All sessions were videotaped and then analyzed by an independent assist. However, the analysis included only 21 subjects because 7 subjects had had symbolic play in free play. The analysis revealed the following main findings: 1. Free play (1)Practice play and functional play were most common play categories. The next common was off-tast behavior, and followed by symbolic play and orderly play, constructive play was the least common one. (2)Apparently, the subjects’ spontaneous symbolic play is developmentally delayed. (3)Compared with the play development in typical children, functional play and symbolic play of the subjects were delayed. (4)The subjects showed more sensor-motor stereotyped behavior, which lack affection and fun. (5)High verbal comprehension quotient was associated with more functional-to-practice play and symbolic play. 2. Elicited play (1)16 out of 21 subjects could successfully be elicited at least once among substitute play. (2)The 5 subjects who failed were judged to be motivational factors rather than comprehension problem. They continued their stereotyped behavior. (3)The adult-child interaction score, verbal comprehension quotient, and chronological age were not related to the failure of the elicited conditions. (4)The subjects successfully elicit substitute play had had more functional play than practice play during the free play. (5)Verbal prompt and visual prompt were not significantally different to elicit substitute play.


autism play


Aline, V. (1969). Play Therapy. New York: Ballantine Books.
American Psychiatric Association (1994)
Atlas (1990)
Behar & Rapoport (1983)
Doherty & Rosenfeld (1984)


謝彬彬(2008)。以遊戲建構人際互動情境對增進國小 自閉症學童社會適應能力之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2008.00408
