  • 學位論文


An Experimental Study of the Ba Construction in Second Language Acquistion of Chinese

指導教授 : 陳純音教授


摘要 本研究主要是用對比分析來探討日語及英語人士對於中文「把字句」的習得。本實驗共有三種題型:文法判斷題、圖片造句題、及模仿題。測驗題目依據「把」字句之特質分為三大類:(1)「把」字句之名詞片語;(2)「把」字句之動詞;(3)含有賓語保留(retained objects)及反身代名詞之「把」字句。國立台灣師範大學國語文中心之外籍學生為本研究實驗組之研究對象,包含有22位日語組學生及22位英語組學生;控制組則是22 名以中文為母語的中國人。 實驗結果發現,日語組與英語組的學生對於「把」字句的使用沒有很大的困難,顯示出母語的影響並不大。但是不同的測驗題型對受試者的表現的確有不同的影響;其中,受試者對於文法判斷題及圖片造句題較模仿題能掌握。本實驗亦發現,外籍學生已能理解「把」字句之「處置」性質,因此能成功地分辨「把」字句之名詞片語及動詞。最後,本研究亦發現外籍學生也能視「把」名詞片語為反身代名詞的先行詞。


ABSTRACT Based on the contrastive analysis hypothesis (Weinreich 1953, Stock, Bowen and Martin 1965, among others), when two languages are different, negative transfer or interference may occur in L2 learning. The present study, therefore, aims to investigate the L2 acquisition of the Chinese ba construction by foreign learners whose native languages do not exhibit this structure. The subjects were twenty-two Japanese-speaking and twenty-two English-speaking students of the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University. In addition, there were twenty-two native speakers of Chinese as the control group. Three tasks (i.e. the grammaticality judgment task, the picture-cue production task, and the elicited imitation task) were conducted to achieve the goal of understanding L2 learners’ knowledge on the ba construction as well as the influence by three variables, the ba-NPs, the post-ba verbs, and ba occurring with the retained object and reflexives. The results show that both groups of L2 learners correctly judged and produced ba-sentences in most cases, suggesting that the absence of this construction in the subjects’ native languages does not influence L2 learning. Moreover, it was found that the grammaticality judgment task and the picture-cue production task had a significant impact on the interpretation of the ba construction while the elicited imitation task format did not. The findings also show that the subjects performed differently on different types of ba-NPs and post-ba verbs, indicating that they were able to tell the acceptability of the ba construction. Additionally, the experimental results also show that the L2 learners chose the ba-NP as the antecedent of a reflexive.


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