  • 學位論文


A Study in Hsueh-Men Chang’s Thinking and Implementation on Early Childhood Education

指導教授 : 何慧敏


張雪門(1891-1973)在民初中國華北地區從事幼兒教育的推動以及幼教師資的培育工作。抗戰之後來到台灣,也在台灣推動了將近三十年的幼教工作。在他從事幼教工作的一生中,感到發展中國人的幼教課程的重要性,於是提倡「中國的幼稚園課程」,課程實行方法是透過「行為課程」來實施。 張雪門推行行為課程強調幼兒從生活中的行為獲得經驗,從行為獲得經驗的作法也運用在師資培育的方法上,因此他重視師範教育中的實習,希望藉著有計畫的實習,讓師範生獲得有用的知識,能實際運用在幼稚園得工作中。 雖然張雪門推動幼兒教育的歷程橫跨中國和台灣兩地,但是卻顯少有關於他系統性的研究,再加上行為課程也漸被忽略,其原因值得探討。而中國的幼稚園課程特色為何?也令人好奇;此外張雪門有計畫的實習制度能否對現在的幼教師資培育提供參考? 基於以上的研究動機,歸納出四項研究目的: 壹、探討張雪門的幼兒教育理念及其實踐歷程。 貳、瞭解張雪門中國幼稚園課程的內容與特色。 參、探究張雪門的行為課程,在六十年代的台灣無法持續的原因。 肆、探討張雪門師資培育中的實習課程,作為幼教師資實習之參考。 基於以上的研究動機和目的,本研究採用歷史研究法(History research)、及敘述性研究 ( Descriptive research )中的文獻分析法 ( Documentary analysis method )。首先蒐集張雪門原著,包括書籍和報章雜誌上的文件資料,以及敘述張雪門生平、教育理念、課程等相關著作,再加以蒐集相關時代背景資料,詳加閱讀、整理、比較,針對研究動機和目的,再進行分析歸納。 誠如本研究動機和目的所述,本研究之研究架構以張雪門生平及思想背景為基礎,歸納出其教育思想重點及實踐的過程,針對行為課程的開放性、行為課程推行受限的原因、中國幼稚園課程的民族改造主張與師資培育四點做為探討議題,並整理出張雪門對民初中國幼教和台灣幼教的貢獻。 一、 行為課程與開放課程的對照 行為課程和開放課程多有類似,即使是有所不同,差異性也不大,因此行為課程可說是一個具有開放性質的課程,在課程的開放性方面,張雪門可說具有前瞻性。 二、 張雪門的民改造主張 張雪門的民族改造立基於國族主義,將國家與民族視為相同,但這樣的定義有失偏頗,幼兒時期應是社會化重要時期,再者,張雪門幼兒教育理念中包含「兒童本位」這一項,但卻又強調民族改造對幼兒的重要性,兩者互相矛盾。 三、 行為課程在台灣推行受限原因 包括幼教師資專業能力不足、張雪門學生在台灣人數較少,使課程傳播及實施受限、張雪門在台灣也是導致老師不敢輕率施行行為課程的原因、行為課程未符合台灣當時民情、行為課程本身不夠完備、台灣光復後社會情況影響接受中國式課程的意願、社會變遷影響幼兒教育發展、執政當局不重視張雪門的意見 四、張雪門幼教實習與目前幼教實習的比較。 就張雪門過去所規劃的幼稚園師資培養課程來看,相對於現在的師範幼教系四年課程做比較,張雪門的課程當然少了很多關於教學基本學科課程(或稱普通課程)、教育方法學課程,但在實習課程的規劃上,可以讓目前的師院幼教系實習制度做參考。 張雪門對民初中國幼教的貢獻可歸納為:除在北平幼師採用的半道爾頓制教學法,強調教學做合一的精神,同時也嘗試編寫幼教課程,為中國幼教實驗的先驅者;確立了實習三步驟,為當時的師範教育提供實習制度的參考;透過長期、短期的師資訓練,為缺乏幼教師資的社會培育幼教人才,彌補實際需要的不足。 對台灣幼教的貢獻則是:張雪門執掌台北育幼院期間,將真正需要幫助的孤苦兒童收容扶養,為日後的慈善機構、工作樹立典範;導生制的提倡,提供個人再教育、成人再進修的機會,並進行職業訓練;提倡行為課程,改變當時以「成人為教學主體」的幼稚園教學現象,而成為「兒童為學習主體,重視兒童學習經驗」,使幼稚園教學真正能符合兒童的需要;以講學、著述的方式,企圖影響當時的幼教環境,重視師資、兒童教育以及課程的推展。 綜觀張雪門的一生,可知他對幼教的熱忱終身不變,他積極、開創、實驗,為幼兒的未來努力不懈的精神,也正是從事幼教的工作者所需要學習的。


The progress on advocating early childhood education of China and Taiwan by Hsueh-Men Chang was seldom been studied; the behavior curriculum has been overlooked as well. The reasons needed to be explored. Besides, what’s the specialty of China’s kindergarten curriculum? Finally, Does the internship presented by Hsueh-Men Chang work for the current cultivation of preschool teaching? Based on above statements, the present study attempts to assess four objectives: 1.To study the childhood education claimed by Hsueh-Men Chang and its progress of the achievement. 2.To understand kindergarten curriculum in China presented by Chang and its specialties. 3.To explore Chang’s behavior curriculum in order to find out the reasons for its discontinuation in Taiwan in the 60s. 4.To study the internship in cultivation of preschool teaching stated by Chang for future reference. The present study, based on Hsueh-Men Chang’s thinking and his background, attempts to examine his contribution to early childhood education during the early period of R.O.C. in China and in Taiwan nowadays. There are four agendas to be discussed: 1.The comparison of behavior curriculum to open curriculum. Both were similar in many ways. Chang was considered to be unprecedented on his views of open curriculum. 2. Chang’s perspective on the peoples’ reform. According to his perspective on the peoples’ reform, he defined the term of country as of peoples, which was considered to be inadequate. Furthermore, the concept of child-center and the importance of the peoples’ reform to children both were paradoxical. 3. The obstacle in the execution of behavior curriculum in Taiwan. The reasons included the lack of proficiency in teaching early childhood education, of the number of Chang’s students in Taiwan, the executive pressure under Chang’s high reputation, and the government’s disregard of Chang’s studies. Moreover, the curriculum was not well adapted to Taiwan’s society. Finally, the social transition from Japanese to Chinese domination also had an influence on early childhood education development. 4. The comparison of internship of early childhood education presented by Chang to current one. Chang’s curriculum for training kindergarten teachers lacked general courses and educational methodology courses, compared with current ones at the Department of Early Childhood Education at National Taiwan Normal University. But the internship claimed by Chang could be referred to current system of internship for those students.






