  • 學位論文

母乳中AA及 DHA含量與影響因子探討

The content of AA and DHA and the influencing factor in breast milk

指導教授 : 吳文惠


本研究為探討母乳二十碳四烯酸及二十二碳六烯酸含量差異的影響因子及做為嬰兒配方奶添加量的參考。以高雄長庚醫院婦產科住院哺乳婦169位為樣本。收集生產後2-6天之母乳,以氣相層析儀分析脂肪酸百分比,同時配合問卷調查。 哺乳婦平均年齡為30.04歲,近三日每日平均吃魚量約50克。哺乳婦烹調用油以葵花油為最多(85人,53﹪),其次為大豆油和橄欖油。哺乳婦「最近兩個月常吃魚」的種類以虱目魚最多,其次為鱈魚;「近三天常吃魚」的種類則以鱸魚最多,其次為虱目魚。 本研究初乳脂肪酸n-6:n-3比例為8.5:1,低於美國、德國;高於加勒比海小島和澳洲,與法國初乳較相近;本研究linoleic acid 為18﹪,均高於歐美及澳洲初乳。母乳中DHA含量為1.07%,AA含量為1.01﹪,兩種脂肪酸含量均比與歐美澳研究為高,亦高於市售有添加DHA配方乳。「懷孕週數」介於37-39週間分娩的哺乳婦母乳DHA含量比40-41週者為高。產婦最近三日食用魚量與母乳DHA 含量有顯著相關性,近兩個月食用魚量與母乳DHA的相關性則不顯著,故母親於哺乳期如能由飲食中攝取足夠DHA,可迅速反應於母乳中以幫助嬰兒發展所需。


169 colostrum human milk samples were obtained from lactating women living in the hospital. Fatty acid composition was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography expressed as percentages of total fatty acids. The average age of lactating women sampled was 30.04. The average amount of fish that lactating women ate in the last three days was 50g. Most women used sunflower oil in their cooking. Others also used soy bean oil and olive oil. Among the lactating women studied, the most commonly eaten fish in the last two months is Milkfish and the second most commonly eaten fish being Greenland Halibut. The most commonly eaten fish in last three days are Sea Perch and Milkfish. The ratio of n-6: n-3 of our breast milk was 8.5:1. American and German lactating women, had higher ratios whereas Windward Islands lactating women in the Caribbean had lower ratio and Australian and French lactating women had the closest ratio to us. Our linoleic acid content, 18%, is higher than levels found in American, German, Australian, and French lactating women. The results showed that our colostrum contains an average of 1.1% docosahexaenoic acid and 1.01% arachidonic acid, both of which is higher than the milk of American, German, Australian, French mothers, and those of infant formula. The amount of fish eaten in last three days showed a more significant correlation to the level of DHA than the amount of fish eaten in the last two months. In conclusion, during lactation, the amount of fish consumed recently can increase the DHA content of milk.


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