  • 學位論文


Studies on the Verification of Multifaceted, Hierarchical Model of Self-concept and the Effects of Self-concept Improvement Courses to

指導教授 : 郭生玉博士


本研究目的有四:(一) 修訂「自我描述問卷」,使適合於測量我國國小兒童的自我概念; (二)驗證Shavelson 所提出的自我概念多層面階層模式是否與我國兒童在自我概念上的發展情形相符合;(三)分析男、女生與中、高年級兒童在自我描述問卷反應因素結構之相等性;(四)設計增進兒童自我概念課程,進行實驗研究,以探討其對兒童自我概念各層面的影響。 研究一包括自我概念多層面階層模式的驗證,以及不同屬性群體自我概念因素結構相等性的分析。首先,經徵得原編者Marsh之同意,修訂「自我描述問卷」,使適合於測量我國國小兒童的自我概念。以台北市國民小學542名三至六年級兒童為對象,實施「自我描述問卷」,以LISREL 8.30和Prelis 2.30統計套裝軟體進行國小兒童「自我概念多層面階層模式」與觀察資料的適配度考驗,並進一步分析男、女生與中、高年級兒童在自我描述問卷反應的因素結構相等性。研究一所得結果如下: 1.本研究所修訂的「自我描述問卷」,具有良好的信度及效度,可分別測得總 分以及七個層面的自我概念(身體能力、身體外觀、同儕關係、親子關係、 國語、數學、其他學科)分數。 2.經驗證性因素分析顯示,自我概念之多層面獲得支持。但自我概念的階層結 構,經模式適配度考驗,非學業自我概念與學業自我概念之階層性並未獲得 研究結果的支持。 3.男女生及中高年級兒童在自我描述問卷反應因素結構上,存在明顯的不同。 研究二主要在探討增進自我概念課程對國小兒童自我概念之實驗效果。研究者根據Marsh所提出之自我概念架構,以社會技巧訓練、歸因理論、訊息處理理論、學習策略理論、閱讀理解理論等,設計「增進自我概念課程」,以台北市麗山國小64名五年級低自我概念的兒童為對象,隨機分派為實驗組及控制組,以小團體方式進行自我概念課程實驗,每週一次,每次四十分鐘,共計三十個單元。以「自我描述問卷」為評量工具,測量受試者的自我概念,以2×4二因子混合設計變異數分析以及2×4二因子混合設計多變量變異數分析,分別探討「增進自我概念課程」對兒童整體自我概念與七個層面自我概念的影響。研究結果發現:「增進自我概念課程」對整體自我概念具有增進及持續的效果;對國語自我概念具有增進的效果;對於親子關係雖未具有增進的效果,但與控制組比較,此課程的實驗有維持親子關係自我概念的效果,且具有持續性;對於身體能力、身體外觀、同儕關係、數學及其他學科,沒有增進的效果。 基於研究的結果與發現,本研究分別就實務及研究方面提出幽關建議,供營造增進自我概念的學習成長環境以及進一步研究之參考。


The purposes of this study are to:(1)modify Self-Description Questionnaire-I(SDQ-I) to make it suitable for measuring the self-concept of primary school children in Taiwan;(2)verify the relevance of Shavelson's "multifaceted, hierarchical model of self-concept" with the self-concept development status of primary school children in Taiwan; (3)analyze and compare the structures of Self-Description Questionnaire-I response factor between boys and girls and between younger and senior grade children;(4)design courses to improve children's self-concept and study the impact of these courses to the different aspects of children's self-concept. In order to accomplish these purposes, the study was divided into two major parts. Part I covers the test and study of "multifaceted, hierarchical model of self-concept" and the analysis of equivalence in self-concept factor structure among different attribute groups. First, the Self-Description Questionnaire-I was modified with the agreement from Marsh to suit the primary school children in Taiwan. Sample target was from Taipei municipal school children from grade 3 to grade 6 and total 542 children filled the Self-Description Questionnaires. Data were analyzed by Statistics Software Package Lisrel 8.3 and Prelis 2.30 . The results of part I demonstrated:(1)The success of the modified Self-Description Questionnaire. The score of seven aspects of self-concept and total score could be obtained from the test with good reliability and efficiency. (2)The results of confirmatory analysis supported "multifaceted, hierarchical model of self-concept". However, the non-academic self-concept and academic self-concept was not proved by the study. (3)There were obvious differences between boys and girls and between younger and senior grade children in the structures of Self-Description Questionnaire response factor. Part II was aimed to examine the impact of self-concept improvement courses to the different aspects of children's self-concept. The self-concept improvement course was designed based on Marsh's self-concept structure, adopted social skills training, attribution theory, information-processing theory and reading compression theory, etc. Sample target was 64 grade 5 children with low self-concept from Taipei municipal Li-Shan primary school. Selected children was randomly assign to two groups, experimental group and control group. Courses were conducted once a week, 40 minutes every time by small group and total 30 sessions were delivered. Using Self-Description Questionnaire-I as measurement tool and analyzed the impact of self-concept improvement course to the overall self-concept and the seven different aspects of children's self-concept. The results of part II showed the self-concept improvement course:(1)had positive and continuing impact in improving the self-concept;(2) improved the self-concept in Chinese language course;(3) had impact in maintaining the parent-children relationship self-concept comparing with control group;(4)had no improvement in other aspects. This study provides several considerations in practice and research areas based on this research results and findings for better constructing a learning environment in improving self-concept and suggestions for further researches.




