  • 學位論文


A Research on the Overexcitability Traits of Gifted and Talented Students in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 郭靜姿教授


中文摘要 本研究旨在編製過度激動特質量表並探討台灣地區資優生具有過度激動特質之情形。研究者以自編「我的特質」量表為研究工具,以2046位小五、國二、高二普通班學生建立常模,以951位同年段之資優生為研究對象比較不同資優類別、年段、性別的差異,並選取四位在「我的特質」量表中得分在百分等級93以上之資優生及其教師、家長進行深度訪談,以了解影響過度激動特質的環境因素。量表施測所得的結果以三因子變異數分析進行統計考驗,訪談所得的結果則以質化的方式加以分析歸納。茲就本研究之主要研究結果說明如下: 一、過度激動特質量表的編製與常模方面 (一) 內部一致性介於.710~.913;重測信度則介於.702 ~.754之間。 (二) 不同性別、年段的得分差異在大部分分量表中均達 .05~.001的顯著水準,只有在性別方面,男女生在「智能」過度激動分量表之得分並未達顯著差異,因此本量表建有不同性別與年段之百分等級常模。 二、資優生在過度激動特質量表上得分之分配情形及與一般學生得分的差異比較 (一) 資優生在五種過度激動特質中,以「智能」過度激 動所佔的比例最高(19.1﹪),其下依次為「想像」過度激動(18.2﹪)、「感官」過度激動(12.7﹪),以「心理動作」、「情緒」過度激動所佔的比例較低。 (二) 除「心理動作」過度激動特質外,資優生在其餘過 度激動特質上的表現均較一般學生強烈(p<.001),尤其在「智能」、「想像」與「感官」特質上。 三、不同組別資優生在過度激動特質量表上得分的差異情形如下: (一)男生在「心理動作」與「智能」過度激動特質上顯 著高於女生(p<.05),女生則在「感官」與「情緒」過度激動特質上顯著高於男生(p<.05)。 (二)在「感官」過度激動特質上,高中生強於小學生(p<.05),但高中生與國中生、國中生與小學生間則無顯著差異。在「情緒」過度激動特質上,高中生亦強於小學生(p<.05),國中生又強於小學生(p<.05),但高中生與國中生間並無顯著差異。 (三)一般智能/學術性向組資優生在「智能」過度激動特質上較藝術才能組強烈(p<.05)。 (四)高度資優組學生在「智能」過度激動特質上較一般資優組強烈(p<.05)。 四、在受訪個案中,個案乙及個案丁資優生及其教師、家長三方對其過度激動特質之評述較一致,且個案和家長的一致性又高於個案與老師的一致性。個案甲及個案丙教師、學生、家長三方的評述則較不一致。 五、資優生認為同學、教師及家長對「道德思考」、「創造力」等特質持正面的態度;對「工作狂」、「想動的衝動」、「追求精美的飾品」、「作白日夢或想像力豐富」等特質持負面的態度;對「能感受靈魂或精靈」、「其他情緒特質」等特質則未有明顯的正負向態度表示。 六、研究者分析影響資優生過度激動的環境因素大致包括:「家庭和諧的因素」、「家庭的物質環境」、「家庭的教育環境」、「老師的教育態度」、「同儕互動與學校經驗」、「課程的挑戰性」、「個人的嗜好」、「宗教信仰」等八種因素。 關鍵詞:資優生、過度激動


資優生 過度激動


A RESEARCH ON THE OVEREXCITABILITY TRAITS OF GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS IN TAIWAN, ROC Hsin-Jen Chang Abstract The main purposes of this research were to construct an overexcitability scale (The Me Scale) and to explore the overexcitability(OE) traits of gifted students in Taiwan, ROC. 2046 elementary, junior and senior high school students, currently attending regular classes nationwide, were selected as norm sample and 951 gifted and talented counterparts in Taipei Area were also included in this study. Furthermore, 4 gifted students, scoring higher than 93 percentile rank on ‘The Me Scale’, their teachers and parents were interviewed on subjects’ OE traits. The data gathered were processed by three-way ANOVA and the qualitative data were recorded as detailed dialogue. The main findings of this research are stated as follows: 1.The coefficient of internal consistency of ‘The Me Scale’(Cronbach α)is .710~.913 ; the coefficient of test-retest reliability is .702~.754. 2.Gender and grade differences are at significant level(p<.05) on five subscales of OE except gender difference on subscale of T OE. 3.Among the five OEs, G/T students display most T OE, the followings are M OE and S OE and the least P and E OE. 4.The G/T students exhibit more significant T, M, and S OEs than regular students do. (p<.001) 5.The Male G/T students show more significant P and T OEs than female students(p<.05); female G/T students, on the other hand, show more significant S and E OEs than the male. 6.High school G/T students display a higher level of S and E OEs than elementary students(p<.05); junior high school G/T students also display more significant S OE than elementary students do(p<.05). However, there is no significant difference between senior high schoolers and junior high schoolers on S and E OEs. 7.Academically gifted students are reported owing more significant T OE than art talented students. 8.Highly gifted students(IQ≧137.5) own more significant T OE than ordinary gifted counterparts. 9.The comment among teachers, parents, and students him/her self are more consistent on case B and case D than on case A and case C. Furthermore, comment between cases and parents are more consistent than that between cases and teachers. 10.Gifted student thought that peers, teachers and parents hold positive attitude towards their ‘moral thinking’, ‘creativity’ and hold negative attitude towards ‘workaholic’, ‘having impulse to move’, ‘pursuing delicate objects’ and ‘day dreaming’. 11.Eight possible environmental factors could make OEs significant. They are, ‘family atmosphere’, ‘ parents’ indulgence in pursuing materialistic life style’, ‘ family educational environment’, ‘teachers’ attitude’, ‘ peers interaction and school experience’, ‘low challenge on school work’ , ‘students’ own hobbies’, and ‘ religion’. Key words: G/T students, overexcitability


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