  • 學位論文


The Study of the Case Method and the Use of the Case Method in Educational Administration Program

指導教授 : 謝文全


案例教學法在1870年開始有系統地運用於法律教育,並於1919年推廣到企管教育,先後提倡案例教學法的哈佛大學法學院以及企管研究所,已成為其專業領域的翹楚,而案例教學法也成為法律和企管領域教學的特色,並且受到許多專業教育領域廣泛地應用。 由於師資培育也是專業人員培育的一種,因此美國在1986年提出的「準備就緒的國家-21世紀的教師」教育改革報告書,也提出了師資培育課程應特別重視案例教學法的呼籲。期間經過許多教育組織與學者的提倡和應用,案例教學法已逐漸在師資培育領域受到重視,也得到國內師資培育領域學者的重視。 本研究依據研究動機與目的,首先以文獻分析的方式,歸納整理案例教學法的意義、發展沿革、相關理論與研究,並探討案例選擇與撰寫、案例教學法實施的原則和具體作法。再則,實際撰寫10則本土教育行政案例,選定師資培育機構7班201名師生進行試用,並針對試用者實施問卷調查,據以瞭解試用者對實施案例教學法的意見和看法,以及未來實施案例教學法時可能遭遇的問題。最後,本論文輔以訪談法,訪問10位分別在師資培育、法律教育、企管教育、臨床心理學領域,有案例教學經驗之教師及學生,以瞭解其使用案例教學的經驗和心得。 歸納文獻分析、問卷調查及訪談的結果,本研究提出以下結論。 一、從案例教學法的發展沿革、相關理論與研究的探討顯示,案例教學法已受到長期廣泛的應用,並且具有結合理論與實務、促進反省,及符合建構主義學習原則的功能,在教學上有其實施的需要性。 二、案例教學法的實施要有效,主要有賴於案例的適合性、師生事前妥善的準備、教學過程師生良好的互動。 三、案例教學法的實施方式是多樣的,包括討論、問答、角色扮演等方式,並可安排書面作業及後續活動。 四、一個學科學期中實施案例教學的次數和作法有許多不同的方式。師資培育課程開始實施案例教學時宜採漸進方式,逐漸增加案例教學次數,並從實務取向的科目先行使用,再推廣到其他科目。 五、經本研究試用結果顯示,試用者對案例教學法有高度的評價,認為案例教學法有助於學習,是令人喜歡的學習方式,值得加以推廣。 六、未來推動案例教學法時,應注意試用過程所遭遇的問題,並且做好相關配合措施。 根據研究的結果和上述提出的結論,本研究提出以下的建議。 一、在案例發展方面: 建議利用各種方式,增加案例的數量,並成立案例研究及發展中心,蒐集、流通案例。 二、在應用和推廣案例教學法方面:建議辦理各項案例教學研討活動,增進教師案例教學知能,成立案例教學法組織並建置案例教學網站,持續地推動案例教學法。 三、在主管教育行政及研究機關方面:建議透過實務人員發展案例,並對案例和案例教學的發展給予資源和支持。 四、在師資培育者及教育行政學者方面:建議可規劃案例教學,建立師資培育或教育行政課程的案例教學模式,並結合研究與教學、大學及中小學,來發展案例和案例教學法。 五、在進一步研究方面:建議可再針對成效、師生互動、各種實施方式、適用科目和課程等進行研究。


Case method has emerged and been recognized in the professions such as law, business, clinical psychology, and medicine. It did not only make great impact on learning in the above fields, but also gradually adopted by educational professionals. In 1986, a report entitled "A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century," issued by the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy , recommended that programs of teacher preparation should pay more attention to the case method in instruction. The main purpose of this paper is to study the case method and the use of the case method in educational administration program. It reviews the history of development of the case method in various disciplines, including related research in case selection, writing, as well as implementation. In addition, local cases were developed and implemented in educational administration program by the researcher. The findings obtained from the study shall serve as references for further studies and application of case method. The research methods employed in this study include the literature analysis, questionnaire survey, and interview. First, a literature review was conducted to analyze the historical rationale for implementation of the case method. Second, ten indigenous cases were developed and used for classroom instruction in an educational administration program for a period of two weeks. At the end of the teaching period, a ‘case method application survey’ was used to collect feedback from the participants in this study. Finally, ten faculty and students in law, business, clinical psychology, and teacher education were interviewed for their personal experiences in using case method in their classes The following are important conclusions drawn from the results of literature review, survey, and interview studies: 1.The importance of case method in learning was revealed in the review of its historical development and related theories, practice, and research. The case method was found to enhance learners' reflection that promotes the constructivist's view of learning. 2.To use the case method effectively, preparation of proper cases, and active interaction between teacher and students are necessary. 3.There are several ways to implement the case method in a class setting, including discussion, Q & A, and role playing, etc.. 4. An instructor is encouraged to use various instructional methods to teach with cases during a semester. For curriculum planning in teacher preparation programs, it is suggested case methods to be first applied to subject areas with greater emphasis on practice, such as educational administration, classroom management, principles and practice in guidance and counseling, then gradually increase the use of case methods in subsequent courses as well as other subject areas. 5.The survey results showed positive feedback from the participants. The case method was perceived as a useful teaching method that deemed worthy for further application and extension. 6.There are also problems and difficulties during the implementation that deserve further attention and call for proper preparation in the future use of the case method. As a summary of this research study, some suggestions are made in the following for researchers, practitioners, and administrators of educational programs: 1.For case development: To employ several ways to increase the amount of cases collected. It is suggested to set up a case research and development center to collect and exchange cases for teaching. 2.For case application: To conduct seminars in case teaching to improve teachers’ teaching skills. To set up a research community and teaching web sites to popularize the method. 3.For case research: The administrative agency should support the development of case and case method. 4. For case teaching: Case method could be planed to be part of the training courses for teachers and educational administrators. 5. For future research: The areas that deserve special attention include the effect of the case method, the interaction between teacher and students during the whole class case discussion, as well as the subjects and learners fit for the case method in the future.




